Armageddon in a bottle

I am becoming somewhat weary of this Corona Virus thing.
First they whip up a frenzy of panic, showing us images of doctors and nurses wearing those biological hazard suits and talking of isolation of entire cites. Then they complain that people are needlessly panicking. I wish they’d make up their minds.
Then they confuse everything by renaming it Covid-19 so every item on the news uses a mixture of the two names alternating between the two. The impression is that Plebs call it Coronavirus while Experts call it Covid-19, but everyone want to appear to be an expert so the two names just get mixed up and cause confusion.
In my book, they have just about lost the battle anyway. This seems to be a fairly active little bugger and has already managed to spread itself far and wide in spite of all the quarantines and “lock downs”. To make life a little harder, it appears that the virus can re-infect people a second time which would imply that antibodies don’t seem to work. Fun times ahead?
Of course people are in a frenzy. Shops are sold out of face masks despite their having no value whatsoever [unless you are already infected or in regular contact with the infected]. Hand wash dispensers are doing a roaring trade and I hear there are “survival packs” now doing the rounds. The End of The World is Nigh, Folks.
Already some rugby match here is a casualty and I am waiting to hear what’s going to happen with the Paddy’s Day parade. Cancelling that would be good craic.
My personal take is that I don’t really care. Either I will catch it or I won’t. I suppose my age and my heart attack history would put me in the risky category but there is little I can do about that. I’m certainly not going to start wearing face masks [assuming any are still available] but will probably avoid any flights to China as a token gesture. I am certainly going to avoid Corona beer, not because it has anything to do with the virus but I simply don’t go for that type of beer.
I wonder if the virus infects Linux machines?
Nah! I’d worry about Windows though…..
Have you heard about this thing called Wu-Flu ?
Not a whisper nor a sneeze. Is it serious or is it just another WHO pandemic?
Just to show some solidarity with you , I will avoid trips to China’s well, probably for the best , can’t be too careful. Etc etc.
Your comment about Corona beer reminds me of the big re-branding exercise which took place during the AIDS crisis by Lucozade, whereby they had to swiftly re-brand their drink as a specialist health-and-exercise energy drink, rather than, as had previously been the case, marketing it for convalescing people to help them get better. Why? Because of their erstwhile catchline. Anyone remember it? Yep: “Lucozade aids recovery.” I guess they got worried that some moronic member of the public would think it would be OK to sleep around all over the place without taking any sensible precautions, on the basis that they’d then just drink gallons of Lucozade and they’d get better if they picked up AIDS. Then their family would sue Lucozade if they did get it, and then promptly died. The trouble is, they were probably right! I wonder if Corona beer will do the same, on the basis that the same morons might stop buying it because they think "it contains Coronavirus." Sadly, it might be necessary – some people really are that dim!
Won't the medicos feel foolish when they finally find out that this covid-19 is actually just another strain of the flu…which is also a corona virus if you didn't know. So is SARS and the common cold for that matter.
Anything for the 'media" to create hyped up headlines.