The Manor is getting overcrowded.
The house is still full of crap that I cleared out of the Junk Room Office Back Room. In fact the only place in which I can move around freely is in my own little corner by the window.
The plan is to order a skip. However that has to be well planned in advance as there is a heap of rubble on the terrace that has to go into said skip. And to shift that rubble I need a wheelbarrow. But the wheelbarrow is fucking useless as its wheel is fucked. So I have to buy a spare wheel for the wheelbarrow first and then see if I can fit it. For some reason it costs â¬30 for a wheel [the most complicated part of a wheelbarrow?] but a new barrow costs around â¬85. â¬55 for a frame?
Then of course I have to have labour to help me cart all the crap out of the house. There is already a considerable pile out there and the neighbours are starting to give me funny looks.
We had a load of visitors yesterday [I’ll come back to the clutter in a moment].
Nursey called again yesterday morning and brought a friend – a sort of nursing apprentice, or maybe a PA?]. I opened the door and her face fell. There she was expecting to see my Adonis body in all its glory, while I was actually fully dressed [Penny got me up early]. I had to explain to the PA [or whatever she was] that Nursey didn’t recognise me with my clothes on. She gave Nursey and me a funny look.
Anyways, they fussed over Herself and left some more shit around for me to tidy.
In the afternoon we had yet another visitor – a physiotherapist. Better looking than any model – if only I were 40 years younger – but she did give me her number so there’s hope yet? She was good at her job too and had Herself screaming in agony in no time at all. Excellent!
This morning another girl arrived who is apparently an Occupational Therapist. She was incredibly keen to load us with yet more hardware and junk. I managed to whittle her down to a little metal attachment for the new bed and a cushion. I only took those on the condition that she send someone to clear some of the other junk that the Health people had dumped on us.
I dream of the days when the place was peaceful.
When I’m not dreaming about the Physiotherapist of course.
'send someone to clear some of the other junk' including, for reasons unknown, a fitted computer desk.
Can't help to try.
The poor old computer desk is still in the garden awaiting the skip. It may have passed its sell by, what with the fact that it has been out in all weathers?
â¬30 for a wheel – ouch !
Can you get Toolstation to deliver in ROI?
Ah! My mistake. I just checked and the price is €23 [and can get an OAP reduction if I shop on Thursday!]. Taking currencies into account that isn't too bad?
I have a spare wheelbarrow wheel I could send you plus the mounting brackets. Needs a tire though so I suppose it wouldn't do you any good. That plus you probably have a right hand drive wheelbarrow and mine is a left hand drive so that wouldn't work either.
Kind of a useless comment don't you think?
Hah! It's the tyre that's the problem. The valve perished and broke off. I could possibly get an inner tube, but the wheel itself is pretty rusty so a whole wheel is the solution.
Labour? You have grandchildren , £20 between them ,or whatever the equivalent is in urines , you will obviously be there in some kind of managerial capacity, job done.
She may be good looking, but please, with all the pain they inflict give her the correct title; Physioterrorist.
Good looking doesn't cover it! She makes the pain worth while [especially as I'm not the one in pain].