Trying to keep calm
Yesterday was an “interesting” day.
I had noticed for some time that my mailbox had been filling up with little messages telling me that this site was down, and then a minute or half an hour later another mail would arrive and tell me it was up again. Annoying!
I did some checks and sure enough the server was running slower than a sleeping snail, and that if you wanted to see the site you’d have to get into a long queue and if you didn’t get to the head of the queue in time, you’d be fucked out.
I sent a polite message to my grease monkeys who look after the machinery, and told them to remove their respective digits from their bum holes and fix the server. Or words to that effect.
They wrote back and said my site was full of crap and it was my fault.
I was a tad annoyed with that so I set about shifting the whole site onto a different server. For those of you who have never tried moving a site, it is a fucking tricky job if you are to do it without causing a break in service.
I was in the middle of the move and at a particularly important juncture when the power went in the house, so I lost all connections to the Big Wide World.
We do things differently here in Wicklow. When a storm hits the country, a lot of people lose power as the wind takes down trees and the like. In Wicklow however we prefer to have our power cuts either before the storm or after it has calmed down. I suppose it makes things easier for the line crews? Anyway, here I was with a dead calm dry day outside and the power went.
Eventually the power came back and I completed the transfer. Okay, the site was down for a little while but you can blame the power cut for that.Â
I wrote to the grease monkeys again this morning. I told them I had shifted the site and it was running like the clappers and that server response time had dropped from 17 seconds to around 0.7 of a second and that it wasn’t my site but their fucking server that was the fault after all, and that I had just wasted a whole fucking day getting my knickers in a twist.
They wrote back saying that they were delighted that my site was running well and that it must have been the server’s fault.
Yup, sounds about right. I refuse to move the site though. I just get on the phone and annoy the hell out out of them until they admit it’s the server’s fault. So far it’s worked every time.