It’s all Greek to him
One or two of the more observant amongst you have noticed a small addition to this site.
If you look over there [——–>] on my sidebar there is a little window I call “Other Links Latest” and in it you’ll find a new site in there what wasn’t there before.
Yes indeed!
Nisakiman has finally outed himself and now has his own site [which I still refuse to call a “blog” even if the term is semantically correct].
So get your arses over there and say hello. If nothing else, having to answer dozens of comments will give him something to do, and give him a brief taste of the joys to come.
And when you have done that stick him in your bookmarks, or your readers or your “blogroll” or wherever you keep your junk stuff.
Jayzus but he’d better be good after I have wasted a whole post on him!
You say the sweetest things, GD! 🙂
I know!
This is my first time ever to mess around with one of those tablet thingies (in the Daughters house). Weird. Its all Geek to me……
I’m expecting loads of photos of Greeks with the bodies of Greek gods (not the ones with the arse of a horse I hasten to add) sitting outside ..or even, Zeus forfend, inside Tavernas and cafes smoking and generally living whatever the ‘dolce vita’ in Greek is called.
Also I’m hoping for indepth reports on the various ‘wild flowers’ of the greek tobacco ‘scene’. Nisaki has already proven himself a most adequate tobacco journalist during his sojourn in Thailand and the Far East.
I have a nasty feeling I am going to develop a hankering to live in Greece!