Taking care of cancer
There was a nice little conundrum in the news here yesterday.
They were bragging about how they are to introduce a new “cancer care strategy” which is to cost us a mere two billion [which is mere chicken feed compared to the hundreds of billions we owe already].
Now I have no problem with this, apart from knowing damn well that ASH and Luke Clancy are at this moment drafting reasons why they should have a massive share of that two billion.
They claim that the number of cancer cases will double over the next twenty years and then make the strange statement – “While it puts this largely down to an ageing population, the plan will also stress that as much as 40 per cent of cancer cases can be avoided. “
Okay, so they reckon that all those evil things like food alcohol and tobacco are causing cancer, so if we avoid them we will not get cancer but will live to old age ….. whereupon we are most likely to get cancer. It seems to me like Hobson’s Choice?
Doubtless they are going to ramp up their Nanny campaigns and force us to be “healthy” and live long into a miserable old age whereupon we will probably develop cancer anyway, so why not just spend those billions on just making life [and death] a little more comfortable?Â
âAt the same time, there are now over 150,000 cancer survivors in Ireland and a greater focus on the increasing numbers living with and beyond cancer is required,â the strategy states.
Now fair play to those people who survived – I am genuinely happy for them – but there is an inherent implication here that “life beyond cancer” is somehow eternal, and that if you are cured of cancer you won’t get it again despite living to a grand old age?
In particular, it says an inherited predisposition to cancer is being increasingly identified through genetic testing.
Throughout the years I [and a lot of others] have held this theory. It makes sense. It is logical. People are a bit like cars – as they get older bits wear out and have to be replaced, but sooner or later they will develop a drop of rust which is the car equivalent to cancer. Once the rust starts, it’s a bugger to stop and when it gets really bad, the best solution is to bid the car a fond farewell and consign it to the scrapheap. Some makes of car are better than others at avoiding this problem which I suppose is the car equivalent to genetics. I used to have a Datsun Cherry many years ago, so I know all about how a particular make is prone to a drop of corrosion.
Another factor they seem to be overlooking is the way cancer rates are increasing so much while at the same time smoking rates are falling? As one goes down, the other goes up? Could there possibly be a connection?
Now there is a bit of research to spend the two billion on?
Dear Grandad Brilliant idea: pay smokers to smoke to see how long it takes them to develop cancer. I am sure many would be happy to participate in that experiment.DP
I’m up for that. In fact, all they have to do is supply me with my baccy [and fags for Herself] and I’ll do the rest.
P.S. I don’t now how or why but you ended up in my bin. Did you manage to delete yourself?
âWhile it puts this largely down to an aging population, the plan will also stress that as much as 40 per cent of cancer cases can be avoided. â
The above sentence makes absolutely no sense for the simple (rather obvious) reason that cancer is an equal opportunity killer. It doesn’t care what age you are or whether you smoke or not. It doesn’t care if you drink or don’t drink or care what you eat. It doesn’t even care if you obtained a PhD when you were all of 19 years old. If cancer wants you it gets you.
And I tried to italicize the quoted sentence in my comment but the buttons, while they show up okay, are not functioning. Clicking on them does nothing. Just thought you might want to know.
If you go through life avoiding anything and everything that may harm you, you might as well not be born.
“Clicking on them does nothing.” Bugger! Though it works for me? Just thought you might
wantto know?FUCK! It’s the old problem back again – buttons don’t work in a comment but do work in a reply. And now I can’t remember how I fixed it before……….
You said it was another plugin that was the culprit. I thought it might be the “Subscribe to comment” check box thingy that only shows up once in a great while. Usually when the buttons don’t appear at all (like for this comment–the check box is there but no markup buttons). Just a thought.
There does seem to be a daft idea floating around society that if you avoid this and avoid that, somehow you won’t die at all…….so you live to 312 and then what? Look forward to the next 200 years?Â
I would love to pose that question to a Nanny – You don’t want me to die from smoking/drinking/eating/whatever so what do you want me to die from?
Personally I am quite happy to go when my time is up. The thought of hanging around this world for the next hundred years would be enough to give me a stroke. God knows the world is getting more miserable by the day so I just don’t want to be around to see the final collapse of civilisation.