Living the life
To a lot of people, €46000 would seem like a lot of money? It's more than the average annual industrial wage. You could buy two brand new family cars and still have change? It's a 25% deposit on an average … Continue reading →
To a lot of people, €46000 would seem like a lot of money? It's more than the average annual industrial wage. You could buy two brand new family cars and still have change? It's a 25% deposit on an average … Continue reading →
I have been amusing myself lately with a little personal project. It's just one of those trivial things I invent to keep the brain cells lubricated, like Sudoku or crossword puzzles only more interesting. I had a page on this … Continue reading →
There was an incident here in Ireland a couple of days ago. I'm loath to call it a "tragic" incident simply because it is an overused term constantly employed by our beloved press though it was in fact a tragedy. … Continue reading →
I received a few mails yesterday and this morning. Some of you were kind enough to let me know there was a problem with the site. The rest of you just shrugged and fucked off without saying a word. Thanks … Continue reading →