
In defence of Danny — 8 Comments

  1. Well, he's talking sense, although a bit rough around the eloquence edges I must say. Especially over the dredging of rivers. We're banned over here (UK) from dredging anything which has led to massive flooding recently. All to do with the "environment". And the windmills!!! OMG! They are every-bloody-where. They are so so ugly and they ruin the views. Imagine Connemara covered in these damned things. And the only reason they get put up is to claim the subsidy, because they are so inefficient compared to conventional power.

    On an aside, my wife (she's Irish) and I ended up chatting to some farmer type on the marina in Kilrush a few years ago and I have no idea what he said. Not one word. So our friend here from Kerry is perfectly clear…

    • I really get the impression that there was a load of talk in the pub and he made his speech on the basis of that.  I doubt somehow that he has studied the subject in any depth.

      The Kerry accent is much like any other – once you get attuned to it you can at least pick out a few words to make reasonable sense of it!

  2. I came to the conclusion that climate change was bogus when they started buying and selling it. 

  3. Some Kerry and West Cork accents can have a lilt. English tourists rolling off the ferry at Rosslare have been known to drive for a couple of hours and stop sun-spotted farmers on the roadside to ask where they may get beverages and saunas. And some farmers have replied politely but insistently that badgers and sows are not kept in them mountain parts. So you see, international misunderstandings based on sthrange accents pose a two-way communication problem. The Kerry Institute for Phonetics and Philology, KIPP,  should get cracking on the matter. But Grandad, thanks for clarifying the premeditated speech of Danny Healy-Rae (who is definitely not related to Kim Jong-Rae-il of North Korea) by trying, accurately I think, to explain what the elected representative for Kerry was trying to say about historical and cyclical climate change. He also wondered in his Dail speech what use government and agencies had made of the carbon taxes we had to pay with our electricity bills for many years. His speech hit nails on the head in a more blunt manner than any college-educated Green Party public representative could ever do.

    • I would also dearly love to know what happens to my "carbon taxes".  I presume they just vanish into the pot that's paid to the EU, or some other worthless enterprise.

      I love the Cork accent but find the Kerry one a little harsher on the ear.  It's a bit like the Norn Iron accent compared to the Scottish one – I find the former very grating but the latter very musical, yet they are quite similar.  Weird.

  4. Earth's coming out of an ice age so it's getting warmer. 

    There used to be dinosaurs and forests at the South pole.

    Two facts. The response to fluctuating climate – give us money to stop it happening – was warned about when we were children in the tragic tale of Chicken-Licken.

    • You must admit though that it's a brilliant scam?  No matter how much money is scammed off us, the climate keeps changing, giving them an excuse to scam us for even more.  Next they'll be charging us for gravity.

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