
Female testosterone — 18 Comments

  1. Hillary Clinton is our Mary Harney.  As Secretary of State she is fully responsible for the deaths of 4 Americans.  She is the face of the Demoncrat party which is a socialist party.  You claim you don't think obama is doing much.  That's because he is dismantling the our constitution and attempting to change the way this country works.  HRC is just an extention of what's going on here right now.  She is yet another big govenrment, nanny state Demoncrat.

    Sarah Palin would become one of our greatest Presidents ever!  She believes in small government.  She believes that the government should work for the people and not the other way around.  She would advocate for a flat tax, get rid of the alphabet agencies, reign in law by regulations and she would undo all the harm obama had done through executive orders. Sarah Palin believes in the American Dream and she would work to have everyone have the opportunity to achieve it.

    • Heh!  I guessed you'd be first out of the trap.  😉

      On the face of it, Palin looks good, provided she can deliver [is she running by the way?].  One thing I will say for her – I never got the impression that whatever she said had been pre-scripted, groomed, ironed and polished by a team of spin-doctors.  She speaks from the hip [as it were].

      • Sarah Palin is not running for President.  We of the "Sarah Palin Earthquake Movement" on Farcebook are urging her to do so.  So far  there are tens of thousands of people urging her on.  We need to make that hundreds of thousands.


        • Strange name?  I would associate earthquakes with destruction and mayhem.  Or is that what you are planning?

          • Sarah Palin running for President would be a political earthquake because everyone thinks she's a fringe canidate.  They will drop their collective jaws when they see the number of people backing her.

  2. If Palin does run and gets elected, then that would be only because the male half of the USA wants to give her one…

  3. I can't think politics when I am still froze solid under 3 ft of snow drift, carry on without me

  4. Couldn't give a flying fuck who is elected anywhere…anyone seeking election should be taken out and beaten until they come to their senses as should those dumb enough to believe that electing serves a purpose.

  5. God help America (and the rest of the world) if that harridan gets into the White House. She is both power-crazed and deranged, and while encouraging everybody in US to become non-smoking transgender pacifists, she would be threatening to nuke every country she didn't like, starting with Putin's Russia.

    • Which harridan?  Clinton or Palin?  And aren't all the candidates power-crazed and deranged, while encouraging everybody in US to become non-smoking transgender pacifists?

      • I assume you are being facetious, GD. Somewhat topically. a few minutes ago I was reading this article:

        What America needs is another Ronald Reagen. He may have made mistakes (who doesn't?), but he had the right idea.

        “Government exists to protect us from each other. Where government has gone beyond its limits is in deciding to protect us from ourselves.”


        “As government expands, liberty contracts.”

        He was often lampooned, but he had a clear perception of what the role of government should be.

        Unlike the Clinton gorgon.

        And he advertised Chesterfield (I think) cigarettes in his youth! 🙂


        • Damnit!  Twigged.  😀

          How many Americans voted for O'Bama because he's black?

          How many will vote for Clinton because she's a woman?

          Spiked is bang on.  The feministas will vote for her purely on the basis of gender and her politics and policies will have fuck all to do with it.

          What America needs is a president who pulls the country back from the new totalitarian type of politics, and back into a more libertarian freedom.  That is something I would be happy to see the rest of the world follow.

  6. Bah! I've gone beyond caring when it comes to to whoever becomes president. I figure I'm screwed either way. Even if Hillary gets elected and she actually is a decent president, she'll be despised anyway, even more than Obama simply because she's a woman and even less will be accomplished than during the Obama administration because congress is controlled by old fucks with the mental age of 15. Congress will become deadlocked, no federal budget will ever get passed again and I can kiss the VA good bye along with my health care, my prescriptions and therefor my life. And my wife will lose the house and become homeless.

    Then again, if some GOP, tea-party influenced, nut job becomes president the VA will disappear entirely (within the first 6 months after the election no doubt) and the results will still be the same for me and mine, guns will be issued to everyone (well, that's okay), the stock market will crash permanently and civil war will immediately ensure, the US will fall and anarchy will reign.

    So really, who gives a rats ass who becomes president of the 'ol US of A? We're all doomed either way.

    There, that's my bad attitude for the week. Now I can be happy and enjoy the next 7 days in peace.

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