
The language of research — 6 Comments

  1. I read this earlier. 3 drinks MAY cause liver cancer. If they may then they may not too. 1% of men and 0.5% of women get liver cancer. BUT…….most liver cancer is triggered by one or more hepatitis viruses. This information was omitted. Of the 8.2 million patients, only 0.3 had liver cancer. The vast majority did not. There was no timescale quoted re the duration of having 3 drinks a day and then 10g of alcohol (just over 1 'unit') shaves more life away. Well, the stats are saying we cannot tell if drinking causes liver cancer. If 99% of 8.2 million had it then OK, but 0.3% is noise. This study is junk science littered with opinions and those are of well known temperance and prohibition campaigners. It was junk science and there were no concrete analyses of the results. It was rubbish.

    • Of course it is rubbish but will that stop the fanatics quoting it?  The problem is tat people see "World Cancer Research Fund" an assume that it is a respectable high-level institution and wouldn't dream of questioning it. It's like having "Doctor" or "Professor" in front of your name – every utterance is gospel and always must be fact.

      Science has gone so far down the toilet that soon people are just going to have to smell the stench.

  2. And don't drink tea.

    "Most people love a good cup of hot tea, so it may be surprising to learn that your morning cuppa could be bad for you.

    Recent research at University College London suggests that drinking tea could be detrimental to health, causing frequent nosebleeds and brittle bones.

    It is thought that the steam from tea can lead to the weakening or rupturing of the vessels in the nose, causing nose bleeds.

    Anyone who has had a nosebleed is advised to avoid drinking any hot drinks for 24 hours.


    Researchers found that drinking the liquid while it is extremely hot is especially bad for you, and that allowing the tea to steep for at least five minutes will not ruin the flavour."

    • For fuck's sake!!!!!  I drink about a gallon of tea a day [actually not an exaggeration – I must cut back to around half a gallon] and have had, as far as I remember, one nosebleed in the last fifty years.  My bones also still seem to be supporting me well enough.  The last broken bone breakage was around twenty years ago [three ribs!].  That was not down to my beverage consumption either.

      In other words – a load of steaming bollox.  [let the bollox stand for five minutes though – that steam can be deadly]

  3. I sometimes drink a cup of coffee with brown sugar and a double tot of Jameson whiskey. If I live to be 90 I'll let youse all know. 

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