
The real evil in our midst — 10 Comments

  1. You are indeed correct about the damage from the medical industry being greater than smoking, even if you use the theoretical (and totally imaginary) figures from SAMMEC that Tobacco Control like to bandy around.

    When you've got a spare half-hour, cast your eyes over this:

    It's a bit of an eye-opener.

    • I forgot to include a quote from that linked report:

      "Our estimated 10-year total of 7.8 million iatrogenic deaths is more than all the casualties from all the wars fought by the US throughout its entire history. "

      That's quite something, eh?

      • Oops, sorry about this serial posting, but I just saw another pertinent quote from that paper:

        In 1994, Leape said he was well aware that medical errors were not being reported.(16) A study conducted in two obstetrical units in the UK found that only about one-quarter of adverse incidents were ever reported, to protect staff, preserve reputations, or for fear of reprisals, including lawsuits.(24). An analysis by Wald and Shojania found that only 1.5% of all adverse events result in an incident report, and only 6% of adverse drug events are identified properly. The authors learned that the American College of Surgeons estimates that surgical incident reports routinely capture only 5-30% of adverse events. In one study, only 20% of surgical complications resulted in discussion at morbidity and mortality rounds.(25) From these studies, it appears that all the statistics gathered on medical errors may substantially underestimate the number of adverse drug and medical therapy incidents. They also suggest that our statistics concerning mortality resulting from medical errors may be in fact be conservative figures.

        • I'm having a job keeping up! 

          So taking the most generous estimate that 20% of all incidents are reported, that means that the number of iatrogenic deaths in 2001 would be near 3.9 million [783,936 x 5] ?  Please tell me I'm wrong!!

          • It's a good reason not to go to the doctor! 🙂

            These figures mostly relate just to the USA. What it would be worldwide (particularly in less developed countries) is anybody's guess!

            But they wear white coats. And they're 'experts'. And they are only doing what's good for us. They do know best, after all.


  2. OMG finally real people talking real irish/english that are not calling each other conspiritors and the likes 🙂 I seen my own mother after having a tripple bypass and it was the recovery medication that was going to kill her if she didn't get away from it. That's a scary list of stuff on the link from nisakiman comment above.

    • Welcome Gerry!  The one thing I try to avoid is the conspiracy theory area.  Big Pharma isn't a theory – it's simply glossing over the facts to maximise its profits.  That's not something I would normally object to but in this case it's at the expense of people's health and lives.

  3. Just as you mentioned it above about watching a documentary I recently watched one on it was about Cancer and it would open your eyes to what's at stake for any individual in not taking an interest in their own health outside of the what you would be made to believe. Great site by the way.

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