An essay on my hole
There is something very strange going on here at the Manor.
When I got home from the holiday back in June, there was a hole in the lawn.
It was about three inches in diameter and went down at an angle for about three feet.
I never discovered what dug it and I just filled it up and let the grass grow back.
Now there are holes inside the house.
Back in the Sixties, we added an extension onto the back of the original house. The latter is built with granite and is quite colourful and decorative, so we left a patch of the stone as a feature. So itâs an outside wall on the inside, if you know what I mean?
There are now three holes in it.
They are very neat holes, almost perfectly circular, about half an inch in diameter and go in quite a way. I measured their depths using a thin stick, so if they go around a corner they may be even deeper still. There is no dust on the floor underneath which adds to the puzzle.
The hole in the lawn was obviously dug by some animal. It was too small for a rabbit [and apart from the odd pet, there arenât any rabbits around here] and I have never seen any animal around that would fit the bill, but there is a logical explanation there.
But the holes in the solid granite wall?
Is there such a thing as a Granite Worm?
Have I been banging spikes into the wall in my sleep, pulling them out and then clearing up the mess? All without waking up?
Or is the house just gradually dissolving?
Life is full of mysteries.
solitary bees or wasps they burrow into mortar in my experience of the same things on brick walls…the ones in the wall…the grass looks like a rabbit's doings to me…
Ah! I hadn't thought of flying stingers. However, remember this is an interior wall in the kitchen, and there has been no sign of dust or debris under them. Also I apart from the odd bee that Penny chased during the summer we have been remarkably buzzer free.
My first thought about the garden one was that it was a rabbit. But it was a little on the small side, so unless it was a toddler?
kitchen door or window open…grandad snoozing in the manor grounds with penny at his feet…herself slaving away somewhere else within the manor in flies the little bee and carefully burrows out the soft dry mortar and carries it away to throw predators off the 'scent'… again if memory serves and I'm too lay to google…
how very odd, not the outside, i thought that may be a mole, weasel or some such but inside? in rock? you'll have to let us know if you ever solve it
Armour piercing bullets fired by a cross neighbour?
Nah a cross neighbour wouldn't miss…
I have some similar holes in the garden, don't know what made them but possibly moles abd the soil 'hill' washed away, last year one became a very active wasp's nest which wasn't very pleasant. I have to admit I don't know what drills through rock.
The hole in the garden is around the size I would expect from a mole, but there was only a scattering of soil, and I have never seen or heard of any moles around this neck of the woods.
Either dwarf militants from Gaza or dwarf Israeli soldier ants!
CIA drones?