There is always a butt
Forget your electronic cigarettes. Dump your pipe, cigars, snus or whatever. We should all be smoking cigarettes. It's good for the electronics industry. So get smoking………..
Continue reading →Forget your electronic cigarettes. Dump your pipe, cigars, snus or whatever. We should all be smoking cigarettes. It's good for the electronics industry. So get smoking………..
Continue reading →I almost feel sorry for the World Health Organisation. For years they have been obsessed with tobacco. It is the world's greatest killer… millions dying every day… it must be eradicated and wiped off the face of the planet… blah … Continue reading →
There is an item in the Times today. €430m sick leave bill in public sector ‘unsustainable’ The article starts off – The cost of sick leave in the public sector is “unsustainable” and is costing the State about €430 million, … Continue reading →
Those of you who have visited here before will know that I have no great love for our gubmint militia police force. While the prime culprit is our legal system with its overabundance of petty laws, rules and restriction, the … Continue reading →