
Accents — 4 Comments

  1. That horrible American accent that you mention is not rooted in any particular location in the States but rather is cultivated in young children by parents who believe the television set is the best baby sitter. This utterly detestable way of speaking where every sentence, be it a statement or interrogative, is turned into a question is, more often than not, spoken by those female types who have more vacuum between their ears than a Kirby vacuum cleaner and a Shop-Vac combined.

    In the case where I happen to encounter one of these types I either have end any ensuing conversation immediately and walk away or commit murder.

  2. Correction:

    “In the case where I happen to encounter one of these types I either have end any ensuing conversation immediately and walk away or commit murder.”

    Should be:

    “In the case where I happen to encounter one of these types I either have to end any ensuing conversation immediately and walk away or commit murder.”

    My proof reading skills have degraded badly I think.

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