The horror on the doorstep
The elections seem to be moving into first gear.
I had my first doorstopper a couple of weeks ago.
I opened the front door to find a couple of gobshites grinning there and begging me to vote for one of them. I told them to fuck off, which in fairness they did. The baseball bat I had to hand might have helped, but we'll never know as they never came back.
I believe the posters are starting to appear around the place too. I hate those fucking posters. Sticking the same poster on every single fucking lamppost is not going to make me any more likely to vote for them than one poster would. I used to have a simple method of collecting names off the posters and then not voting for those names. Now it doesn't make any difference as I won't be voting anyway.
Apparently Fine Gael have given all their candidates a DVD telling them how to go about annoying people. I managed to make a copy but the sound and vision are a bit out of kilter. I don't think that detracts from their nauseating messages though.
If this is the caliber of candidate that is being foisted on us, then God help Ireland.
I have had enough of politicians and politics. Neither ever did anything for me though they did plenty against me. They can play their pathetic little election games and I shall ignore them. They can fuck off to their council offices or to Brussels and at least I will have the satisfaction of knowing that I had no hand act or part in their election.
I have removed the baseball bat from its place by the front door.
I have replaced it with a billhook.
And if that doesn't work, I'll set Herself on them.
"Make sure to keep your promise..?" What kind of advice is that to give a wannabe politician?
Make sure to leave some literature! I'll tell 'em to leave it in the green bin on their way out. Save me the trouble.
When they give you a leaflet what they really mean is "Will you throw this away for me?"
Worth re-posting methinks.
Josie has a new video out
Are these people Cumann or goin?
âGD could leave an open dustbin at the gate to his humble demesne, with a handprinted notice saying ELECTION LITERACHURE HERE PLEASE.