Easter surprise
Easter weekend, huh?
One of the things I learned when I retired was that time is bloody confusing. When I was an employee the likes of Easter were well known in advance – one had to book time off and there was a countdown to a few days peace and quiet from The Idiot Boss. Even when I was working for myself I was aware of holidays and their ilk because my clients would yabber on about them, and how they wanted such and such a job done by Easter.
As a retiree the calendar ceases to exist. There is nothing to distinguish one day from another. Monday is the same as Friday is the same as Sunday and so on. I like it that way though it can cause confusions sometimes when I want to phone a business only to discover that it’s a Saturday.
I had no idea when Easter was this year. Then I started noticing things such as advertisements for eggs, demands with menaces for money for the church [I don’t know why they bother sticking their stuff in my letterbox] and shit like that so I assumed it was somewhere on the horizon.
And now it has arrived.
I suppose I had better go and try to find some chocolate eggs for the grandkids.
They need their sugar.
I know when it is Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday- the baker delivers the bread.
Peanut butter filled chocolate eggs! yum! Like the ones all the prodestant churches make this time of year. Yum!
Avoid prod/pape sectarianism this Easter and settle for Jewish cookies at the corner bakery.
If you avoid the grandkids on Sunday – tell them you have bubonic plague or leprosy or something – you can surprise them with eggs you have bought at knockdown prices on Monday
This year is flying, it seems like Christmas was only yesterday. Oh and if you have a spare Easter egg send it my way 😉
I thought last month was endless, but this month seems to be shooting past like an express train.