With friends like that
I thought I was unshockable when it came to the EU.
I thought I had the measure of them when it came to money grabbing and sheer lunacy but I was wrong.
Ireland applied for a bailout back in 2010 because we were broke, smashed and penniless. We urgently needed €67 billion just to survive. Along came that knight in shining armour – the EU – to lend us the money.
Since then we have been paying back that cash plus exorbitant interest at a terrible cost to the Irish people. We have suffered suicides, bankruptcies, emigration and social deprivation as every cent we make seems to go to the EU. Even now they are demanding tough budgets even though those budgets are literally killing us.
Now it transpires we have been charged fees for the privilege of being bailed out.
I suppose you can argue that fees are necessary, but you would think that under the circumstances that the EU would either waive the fees or carry the cost themselves?
But no. We, the Irish tax payers have to pay those fees which cover such items as travel and expenses for the three stooges from the EU, the IMF and the ECB. They have been over here several times snooping into our affairs and laying down how we must bleed ourselves dry to pay back their fucking loan.
So how much do you think the fees are? Remember, they are for travel, accommodation and administration and we know these people like their comfort so the fees must be high?
A hundred grand?
A few hundred thousand?
Remember – this is the EU we are talking about.
Fees to date amount to more than €220,000,000.
Yes, that’s right. Two hundred and twenty fucking million fucking euros in fees.
Nearly a quarter of a billion euros.
How can they possibly justify that?
For that they could have bought the airline and the hotels and still have change.
How many hours of respite care would that pay for? How many schools could have been repaired for that? How many hospital emergency departments could have been saved? How many suicides wouldn’t have happened if those desperate people had had a minute fraction of that?
Be in no doubt.
The EU is nothing to do with cooperation or helping one another out in a crisis.
It is purely about power and money for the elite.
It is evil and rotten to the core.
[tip of the cap to Pete]
That's almost enough money for Obama to take a vacation, excuse me a foreign policy trip.
Sure he'd need more than that if he is bringing the missus and the sprogs?
These idiots are obsessed with Obama. Doesn't matter what your post is about.
tt, you're the idiot.
That it??
*sigh* This ain't the Obama Wars!
He's not worth mentioning. 🙂
I read about this yesterday but was just so angry I couldn't write about it at the time. Now you have brought it up again it makes me really really angry. I wish the sheeple could/would do something about these cunts.
I also read it yesterday and had to wait until today to calm down a bit. I am still fucking furious though.
"…that the EU would either waive the fees or carry the cost themselves?"
That sentence supposes that the EU has money. Of its own.
It doesn't.
Like all governments, the only money they have is ours. All assets are ours. All debts are ours.
If you keep voting, if you keep consenting to the criminally fucking insane ruining our lives, there is no hope for your nation or mine.
They will run it all into the ground. They are all incompetent. They are all fuckwits of the highest order.
And yet, we keep ticking the box for the chap/chapess who we think will help us.
They won't. Not ever.
What infuriates me about this is that the EU is so blatantly milking everyone for every cent they can. It is financial rape, no more, no less.
When are the idiots who vote for these cunts going to wake up?
There again, most of them are unelected dictators anyway….
I just put a picture here!! Where is it??
There is a €50,000,000 administration fee for posting images.
It's disgusting. You guys need to get out of the E.U.
Easier said than done. Those fuckers have their tentacles in us now.
Where is my corner? 😉
I have a square arse!
Woops! Sorry. Rectified.
That is insane! We may not be able to go back in time and fix things, but we can do our best to rectify the future. If no one stand up now and says 'No', there will be no "Free" people left to stand up. It's a complex situation that I'm afraid there is no easy answer to. We could, theoretically, kick everyone out of our governments and start over, but it is very probable that in one to two terms they will also be narcissistic arses as well. Sigh…
I just can't believe this amount. Fuck!
Don't know if this applies elsewhere but apparently, in the UK, spoiled ballots are not counted but BLANK ballots are.
Let the bastards know we don't want ANY of them!
I don't know what the criteria are here, but I know they always announce X spoiled votes in any election. Whether that includes blanks I don't know.
I want to see 0 cast votes! maybe that would get them. Unfortunately, MPs accept 17% or less as a "mandate".
Unfortunately that will never happen. The bastards are just about clever enough to vote for themselves.