Walking the Plank
Oh sweet fuck!
Personally I couldn’t give a flying shite what that overpaid, egotistic, sycophantic little prick does.
I never listened to him on RTE and I’ll never listen to him on Newstalk.
What does boil my piss though is that this is the lead article from our national broadcaster! The LEAD fucking ARTICLE? You would swear he had died trying to save fifty children from a burning building to listen to the crap they are pouring out.
There are important things going on around this planet but they think the most important item is a little cunt moving from one overpaid job to another?
It just goes to show how self obsessed and parochial our national broadcaster is.
Fuck them.
Fucking hell!
Just saw it's the lead item on the Irish Times and the Indo as well?
Sweet Jayzus on a fucking pogo stick!
I give up.
If it's any consolation, I have no clue as to who this guy is.
Delighted to hear of it. He will be so disappointed that someone in the world never heard of him.
Until now, he was the highest paid in RTE, demanding nearly a million a year. He obviously got a bit miffed when RTE started cutting back on salaries and wages.
Whoever he is, he's annoyed the shite out of you GD
He annoyed the shite out of the majority of this country's population. We don't call him "Pat the plank" for nothing. You'd get a lot more value for money by hiring a gatepost as a TV presenter
Someone make sure that they change the locks when he's gone and that Bono doesn't give him a motorbike !
How long will it be before they change the locks in Newstalk?
Hopefully this is Pat's first step on the road to Obscurity.
It's been painful seeing him try so hard to be the 'voice of the people', and failing so miserably at every attempt. He's so far removed from the man in the street that he could easily pass for an alien who fluked his 'How To Impersonate A Human' exam.
He never struck me as intelligent, but this is one of the most stupid things he's ever done. And I'm soooo happy that he has.
Just think, a couple more days of this crap and he's gone…forever. – I hope.
I never thought I would say anything positive about the Plank, but he is, in fact a very intelligent bloke. His problem is that he has zero sense of humour and less than zero personality. As a newsreader or serious Current Affairs reporter he's OK, just provided he doesn't have to deal with any real live people.
Apparently they are now saying that he left in a huff because he "didn't get enough respect from management". That rings very true – he always thought he was God Almighty.
I think his 'intelligence' comes from remembering 'facts'. If I had to say anything positive about him it would be that he was good at looking informed. He never looked like he hadn't spent the whole day rehearsing everything over and over in his head, again and again, draining a little bit of the humanity out of it with every passing.
BTW, I don't like the guy. Just wanted to make that clear.
Glad you cleared that up JC. You were starting to come across as a big fan there for a minute..
Nah! Speaking as an "insider" who had to deal with the bloke on many occasions, I can vouch that he does have a good head for figures and the like. That is fairly evident from his conning them out of a nearly seven figure salary. His people skills are zilch though, both on and off the camera.
I don't think I'd invite him to a barbecue either.
Pat's ok.. He just needs a proper ridin' and a few slaps.
And how, pray tell does that help anyone but you?
Well JC, I wasn't necessarily saying I'd be the person for the job..
Would you be up for it yourself?
When media people dominate the news it's time to give up reading newspapers and concentrate on reading the classics of literature. That or gardening or going to horse races.
Or reading this site?