I have had a pretty good life.
So far.
I have worked hard and played hard. I have done great things and I have done bad things. I have no regrets.
From the day I left college up until a couple of years ago I worked. The jobs I did were sometimes dangerous, often uncomfortable and frequently I hated them, but I did them as I had responsibilities and I believe in paying my way. In all those years, I never once took any handouts from the state.
For all those years, I had the expectation that a day would come when I wouldnât have to work any more. The day would come when my time was my own and I could do exactly as I please.
That day has come. I now have no responsibilities to anyone apart from myself and Herself. My time is now my own to do with as I please. That is my reward for forty odd years of hard graft and paying a hefty chunk of my salary into a pension scheme.
I am in my sixties and thus have sixty years of experience behind me. I am reasonably mature and reasonably intelligent so by now I know what I like, what I dislike, whatâs good for me and whatâs bad for me. If I want to do something thatâs bad for me then that is my choice. I know the consequences and am prepared to take them.
So why the fuck canât people leave me alone?
Who are these fuckers who think they know whatâs good for me? Why do they think they have the right to nag me about my choice on how to live my life? They nag me about my choice of food. They nag me about my choice of drink. They vilify me and stigmatise me because I choose to smoke. The complain because I donât get enough exercise. Nag, nag, nag, fucking nag.
If I want to spend the rest of my days growing fat on the couch watching daytime television and drinking gallons of beer it is none of their fucking business. If I choose to smoke a hundred fags a day that is my fucking business. If I choose to eat nothing but greasy bags of chips covered with a canister of salt and washed down with the strongest coffee that is my fucking choice. What I chose to do and how I chose to do it is my right that I have earned.
So, to all of you who think you know better as to how I should be living my life â¦
Just rev up and fuck off.
Retirement is bad for you. Studies have shown this. Something needs to be done.
Bad for me? Good. I'm delighted. Bring on more of it.
Love you GD. That's exactly how I feel. Leave us alone and let the crazed idiots swelter in their own fury of misbegotten and ill-informed theories while real people get on with their lives. Can we shoot them all when the revolution comes?
Oh, by the way, studies have shown the most people who die are actually pensioners…
Everything has its small drawbacks?
But I'm still 18 inside, and about seven in brain. Not fair. What can I do about the grey hair and (laughter) wrinkles?
You are absolutely right, BD. Being a pensioner kills. End of story. In fact I'm amazed Pension Books don't have a big warning on the cover, and better still, graphic images of dead pensioners. Could solve the problem of empty pension funds if people are persuaded to give up pensions. And let's admit it, pensioners cost the NHS billions. I think an intensive programme of denormalisation is in order. They should be stigmatised until they see the error of their ways, and give up pensions for good.
O/T. I see you've been busy GD and set up the blog hosting service you mentioned some time ago. Well done mate. If you're still doing it in a year or so (my rough estimate of when I might have the time to broadcast my worthless thoughts to an uncaring ether), I'll be getting in touch.
Was that Vindaloo Curratech, or Madras?
O/T Rogan Josh, unless you want to go for the higher priced Premium Vindaloo?
I shall wait by my laptop for the call…..
Life is not what we see it is in the mirror
Rare is the person who can weigh the faults of others without his thumb on the scale.
Hey now. That's excellent! Is it original or are you quoting?
Never mind. I found it. Should have searched first. Still, it's a damn good quote nonetheless.
Shit! And I was going to claim it was original….
Well said old chap.(p.s. I have changed my name to reflect my age and life experience.)
Is this a permanent change, or just for this item?
Permanent. My PC was out for a couple of days. Had to sign back in. So it prompted me to make the change. Gawjus day today. Sunshine, warm, breeze, windows open, no humidity. Good to be alive at our age. A privilege denied to many. Smiley faces all round. Off to the pub. Sit outside.
Now I don't know whether to call you Senior or just TT. Damned confusing.
Nice and sunny here but fucking cold [they still mention snow on the UK forecast]. This Global Warming is really pissing me off.
Pub sounds like a good idea though. Cheers and Sláinte.
Here here – pub I mean!
Well I reckon it's about high time I consider hanging up my boots!
Trouble is, what to do all day? I can imagine getting bored very easily!!
Ho hum. Think I'll just have to go down to the pub and give it some thought.
Hah! I had the same thought. Bloody days aren't long enough though.
Just rev up and fuck off
Well said. Sadly, by the time I get to retire I will probably not have long left the way things are going with pensions, when not being nagged to death by the prodnosing twats, the gobmint will make sure we will have to work to well into our 80's. Horrible fucking bastards, the lot of em
When are they going to refer to a recent study that shows that most people don't give a cigarette butt about the findings of scientific studies? I live my life happily oblivious to the findings of opinion polls, MA & Ph.D theses, and laboriously undertaken research reports. So do most newspaper staff writers who have to wade through these studies and boil them down to a 200-word story, I expect.
It was good while it lasted.
Agreed it is your time –so tell them to fuck off — AMEN !