Regurgitating repetition
I did a search through this site yesterday.
There was a particular item I was looking for which I eventually found, but on my quest I discovered something a little disturbing.
I went into several pages that I had written a long time ago and on more than one case the thought struck me â I wrote that only a few days ago. So I double checked, and sure enough there was the scribble that I had recently penned, almost a verbatim copy of the one I had scrawled all those years ago.
The answer is obvious. Iâm penning my mental diarrhoea and then forgetting what I have wrote, as it were. So on a regular basis Iâm regurgitating my thoughts if not the actual words I used to express them.
Iâm pleased to see that my attitudes havenât changed [much] over the years. What pissed me off then still pisses me off now, so I am happy in the knowledge that I am consistent if just a little forgetful.
Maybe I should just write a wee programme which delves into the past and grabs something from a few years ago and just posts it as if it is fresh out of the mint? I doubt anyone would notice though it would have to reject any article that is no longer topical. I canât suddenly start bitching about Bertie Ahern again or someone might twig what I am at? Someone might get a little suspicious if I suddenly commented on the Lisbon Treaty out of the blue?
What annoys me the most is that I could have saved myself a lot of blood sweat and tears if instead of writing something from scratch, I could have just done a simple copy and paste jobby.
And now I have to search back to see if I have written all this before.
Sounds like you have all the requirements to be a scriptwriter for Coronation Street or Fairly Shitty so.
Jayzus no! That would mean watching them first to get the characters. A fate worse nor death.
It's what is known euphemistically as a 'Senior Moment' GD. They will become more frequent, and soon you'll be repeating posts that you wrote the week before. I can't even remember my name, sometimes. (Although the Tsipouro may have something to do with that.)
But on the bright side, the more frequent they become, the less you'll be aware of them happening, and you'll be able to carry on posting in blissful ignorance.
And I expect we'll all carry on popping in regardless, just so we can give you some
griefsupport – you won't be lonely.I know all about "Senior Moments" thanks very much. It's a pain the the hole when I drive down to the village for something important and then forget to buy it before coming home again. On the other hand I can watch films and read books endlessly as I never remember them from previous visits.
I can watch films and read books endlessly as I never remember them from previous visits.
Heh! Yes, that is definitely a bonus!
It hasn't gone unnoticed. I considered mentioning it but my innate politeness forbade me. That and I thought perhaps it was my old mind playing tricks with me. Still well worth the read though. This has got me wondering what your "turnover" of readers is. If you know what I mean.
One thing I did notice was that the comments on the old posts were from people who have long since disappeared. There are very few who have had the courage, patience and persistence to last with this site over the years. You are one of The Few, tt!
Wasn't this the same post you did last week?
I don't know. Was it? Can't remember. I'll post it again next week to be sure, so if you ask the same question then, I'll be able to reply.
You could always bitch about the anti smoking lobbyists………….again………….again…………again………..more Tea Father…….
I do that anyway.
If you find yourself repeating yourself, it's a sort of writer's block. Two ways you might try to deal with it: 1. Go backpacking around the flatlands of Kildare, Carlow and Offaly for a couple of weeks and try to find the Real Ireland in the B & B establishments & cafes; 2. Research the seed potato industry in Donegal, especially the export destinations. Then write up your findings. Could be some interesting nitty-gritty lying under the surface of normal Ireland somewhere nondescript.
PS: Does anything out of the ordinary ever happen in Hacketstown, Kilcock or Mullingar? I think someone should spill the beans.
Or Newtownmountkennedy and Enfield, for that matter. The list could go on.
Both were bypassed. A sensible bit of road planning for a change..
They're not called flatlands for nothing! No mountains. Not even a hill. How can anyone live where it's all flat and dull?
And who would look after Herself while I'm gone?
Or the dog?
Though I suppose I could bring the dog…..
Herself knows how to look after herself when you are out of the house. And after many other matters besides…
When I am out of my home, on the rambles, the mice and cockroaches take over.
I read this blog this morning and thought, he told us that before !
Nah! That was just a dose of Déjà vu.
As I've only been following your blog for a few months, Grandad, every story is new and fresh and exciting to me! Ahh, like spring, you know…..gentle breezes, birds singing, lilacs promising to bloom tomorrow. I'll let you know if I still feel the same in December..
I have heard this site called many things in the past but "new and fresh and exciting" is a new one on me. I must be losing my touch?
Is she taking the piss ?
Its an age thing heh!