There is an item in todays Times – “Pensioner tax rises under review”.
Now there’s a surprise.
They reckon that us pensioners are living much too comfortably and it’s time we were penalised.
However, it’s not the article itself that has me riled, so much as a comment in response to the article. At the time I write this, there are three comments that make reasonable points, but then along comes “Insider_ie”. I am sorely tempted to reply to him directly, but a) I refuse to use a fucking Facebook account to log in and b) my comment would never pass moderation anyway.
So, Insider_ie, you reckon that objecting to tax hikes is a knee jerk reaction, do you? Let’s analyse your points.
“There is very strong evidence that over-65s are relatively well-off compared to the working majority. Over-65s, on average, have much smaller mortgages, or no mortgages at all, many have dual pensions, i.e. State pensions as well as private pensions, and many do not need free travel for the over-66s or the package of univeral allowances, for over-70s.”
First point… SHOW ME YOUR STRONG EVIDENCE. You make a glib crack like that based on nothing more than personal prejudice and fuck all else. You say I have a small mortgage or none at all. Correct. And why is this? Because I have paid the fucking thing off. You fret about having dual pensions as if this is a crime, but why do we have dual pensions? Because we paid for the fucking things over a lifetime’s work.
“At a time of scare resources, wealthy pensioners who have good incomes should not be receiving free travel, free electricity, free telephone, and free TV licence. If we're not going to means-test State pensions per se – which seems to have been ruled-out – then at least the universal allowances should be means-tested, and should, of course, continue for those who are not well-off (which goes without saying).”
Once again, Insider_ie, you miss the point. Us pensioners have worked for forty to fifty years. We built up this country and carried it through a couple of recessions. We paid our taxes. We paid our mortgages [and I would love to see your reaction on being faced with a 15% mortgage rate!]. We paid into pension funds. We scrimped and we saved. We shed blood, sweat and tears. We planned for our future. That future has now arrived and we are going to relax now and enjoy the benefits of our hard labour. So you, Insider_ie think that we should be penalised for our prudence? You think that we worked all those years to bail you out? You begrudge us a free television licence for fuck’s sake! How fucking petty can you get?
“It's also worth remembering that very many pensioners benefited during the Celtic Tiger, selling large homes to younger people for ridiculous amounts and trading down to smaller homes or apartments. That's not to say that very many didn't also lose their nest-eggs invested in bank shares etc, but there are many thousands who kept the cash in the bank or put it into other investments. Good luck to them, I say, but why expect the coping classes to subsidise them through universal benefits and allowances? Many of them that I know don't expect it and are just amazed that they continue to get the freebies that they continue to get at this advanced stage of the recession!”
So some of us sold large homes during the recession? So fucking what? Where did we get those homes? Yes – we paid for them. If we downsized then that is financial prudence. It is called “cashing in one’s assets”. And if we sold those houses for ridiculous amounts then that’s our good fortune and tough luck on those who were willing to pay those amounts. It was the buyers who set the prices, after all.
I’m very sorry that some of us didn’t lose everything in the crash. Some of us were a thing called “sensible”. We sat on our cash and watched the rest of the world collapse, and now we should be penalised for that?
Well, Insider_ie, your little comment in the Times just reeks of begrudgery. We have something and you want it. Tough fucking luck.
And if it’s a knee jerk reaction you want, you can have one from me.
Right in the bollox.
I tell you what Grandad, I would bet a fair sum that this fuckstick either is a dole scrounger, or one of these fresh out of school with his degree in Ethiopian Basket Weaving, wondering why no one is queuing up to hire him. Note to all fucksticks out there, we have things because we worked for them and did without other things, you twats get out there and do the same!
One thing we can assume is that he isn't a pensioner. Once he has served his forty or so years before the mast, then I will listen to him. Until then, he can go fuck himself.
If they want to target pensions start with the €75 million a year going to the crooks like Ahern, Biffo, Mary Harney and their cohorts. Mary Harney " Im worth my €130k a year pension" …..Her defence of her lavish pension followed Taoiseach Edna Kenny indication that the Government had no intention of cutting the eye-watering pensions being paid to former cabinet ministers. The more I read about what's going on in that country the more I have a problem that nobody is out on the streets. But the stupidly is beyond anything thing I can understand when I see protests about jailing that Quinn.
I'm not even going to read that link. It would only push my blood pressure beyond danger levels. When I think of that fat cow getting more per year in her pension than I ever earned in a couple of years full time work……..
There was a time when paying tax was a moral obligation. Now it is a moral imperative to avoid paying any taxes.
It's the same over here in the UK with that waste of oxygen Nick Clegg leading the line. The way things are going pensions are going to be shite in a couple of years anyway without these tossers trying to make things worse. At this rate I won't be able to afford to retire in 4 years.
Don't worry. By the time those four years have passed they will have upped the retirement age yet again. It will become a case of "retire next year", only next year never comes.
You're probably right about that. I'm chasing my bus pass but not getting any closer!
Aye some people will never become pensioners now the rate they're raising the threshhold.
When you are ready to retire in the UK they put you in these 'Pathway to death' hospitals and kill you off so saying the state paying your pension.
You might like to let "Insider_ie" (of what I might ask?), that if it wasn't for our generation being sensible with OUR money my children would not have been settled in their own homes. In the last few years I've spent a huge some of my money in helping them onto the housing ladder.
I could have course frittered it away on world cruises and the like.
Just send him a link to my blog. I would love to have an informed chat with him.
You should have gone the world cruise route.
We take regular SKI holidays [Spending the Kids Inheritance]. ๐
I would love to send him a link but I doubt he is the kind to listen to reason.
I wouldn't worry too much that that commenter's views are representative of the majority GD.
I think people are generally sympathetic to the old age pensioners. Even if they're total money-bags, such as yourself.
Anya chance of a loan? ๐
RTE have a program on this topic tonight, if you fancy an evening of more doom and gloom .. how about it?! ๐
RTE A haon @ 9.35pm 'Too Broke to Retire'
"total money-bags, such as yourself." You looking for a spanking?
I watched a bit of that programme, by the way. Not very edifying or cheering. I hope our friend watched.
Just on this bit also – "Us pensioners have worked for forty to fifty years. We built up this country and carried it through a couple of recessions. We paid our taxes"
You're continuing to pay your taxes. Most pensions are taxable, as are state pensions -(via reduction of tax credits).
I do think that there should be some means testing of the state pension though.
Why should the likes of the former AIB and BOI CEOs get a state pension, (not sure if they're over 66?) and free travel etc.?
They're on about 500K/650k respectively, plus expenses.
Yup. I pay tax and that fucking Universal Social Crap. As if I didn't pay enough up until now.
Another point you missed with this shithead is the simple fact that, our taxes probably went towards his basket weaving education, if his Mummy & Daddy could not confer a silver spoon. While we were doing that, we raised the next generation that may end up paying his fucking pension, when the time comes.
And it is probably greedy insecure little fuckweeds like him who are behind ageism in the workplace, lest a more senior player comes into their realm and sees immediately that the King, truly has no clothes.
A very good point, John. I see there is just one more comment on that page as a reply to our friend –
An excellent point, well put.
Grandad, some think you shouldn't be able to relax or enjoy the benefits of your hard labor.
You want to be a "positive part of society", don't you?