Applying more Band Aid
So weâre going to have another referendum in November.
There seems to be some kind of constitutional imperative that we have to amend the Constitution every now and then? Referendums [referenda?] seem to come around with remarkable regularity?
Has it occurred to them that maybe this is necessary because the Constitution is so flawed to start with?
We seem to have a built in blind spot in this country. When we discover that the law or Constitution is deficient in some area that the solution is to apply a new law or an additional paragraph in the constitution to fix it. The result is a Band Aid system where patch is applied upon patch which is applied upon patch. If a law doesnât work, or is deficient it should be scrapped and replaced with a different and preferably simpler version.
I donât know too much about this latest referendum and to be bluntly honest I donât want to know. Itâs supposed to be about protecting children and I have reached the stage where anything that is supposed to be âfor the childrenâ leaves me stone cold. The powers that be have only themselves to blame for that.
From the little that I have read, apparently this new amendment is supposed to give the State extra powers to involve itself in the care of children. This frankly worries me and it worries me a lot. I am a regular reader of Christopher Bookerâs column in the UK and some [if not most] of his reports about the State interfering in childrenâs upkeep make my hair curl. Read them and you will see what happens when the State abuses its powers.
I would go so far as to say that anything which gives the State any extra control is a bad thing.
Now if they want to insert that into the Constitution Iâll vote for it.
However badly flawed or out of date our constitution is, I certainly don’t see anyone on the political horizon that could do better. If the Gubmint had an expensive re-hash of the constitution I’ll bet the supreme courts would be full for years after and all we would have is another generation of legal bods and tribunal holders making unexplained millions.
It’s another 3 card trick by the gubmint.  This isn’t for the children, it’s slight of hand from the shite that going on at the moment.  If the gubmint really did care then the state would be having a referendum on parental responsibilities.  Let try to be original and stay away from the idiots in Europe (the elected ruling class).
It’s just to make us all more American – don’t they have a constitution with loads of amendments.
And when you try to find out who is responsible? Yup – they take the fifth.
OK. I plead the 427th!
A blog comment to a recent Irish Times article on the proposed constitutional change made me think. The wiseguy asked: What is the difference between a social worker and a rottweiler?
The answer:- Parents have a chance of snatching their children back from a rottweiler.
From all I read in Christopher Booker’s column, that rings perfectly true. The State seems to grab kids almost at random and it is then nigh on impossible to get them back. That is worrying!
By using many methods they have gradually taken away the rights and sovereignty of the individual, and taken away the sovereignty of states, then nations, as regions are formed, consolidating power by harmonizing the political and bureaucratic regulatory structure… therefore eventually all control is in the hands of the United Nations and their Rule of Law and their International Courts / Global Governance.
The terrifying power of the State over families: Ireland beware
UN Childrens RightsÂ
Working with Highly Resistant Parents
Quiet Reader – Of those three links, the last is the most worrying. Basically what they are saying is that if they come to take your child and you resist, then you are in the wrong. If on the other hand you cooperate, then you are being devious and are in the wrong. It is impossible to win in this situation. It has Jack Boot State whritten all over it.