
Montezuma’s Revenge — 11 Comments

  1. Don’t buy an expensive TV, you might do it again!
    Ours only last a year or two so we buy cheap ones, but that’s due to lightning strikes on overhead cables not incandescent Grandads.
    Apparently our entry is a song called “Aphrodisiac” sung by a very pretty girl ably assisted by four handsome male Greek dancers.  We’ve got to do better than you!!   

  2. Jedward always have the uncanny ability to look like both the victim, and perpetrator of child molestation.

  3. Meltemian – There is no ‘might’ about it.  Unless they radically improve the programmes, that is.  Unfortunately I won’t get to see your pretty girl, as when the Eurovision comes on, I tend to do something more pleasant.  Like removing my toenails with rusty pliers.

    John – I’m just waiting for you to appear on it.  Hah!

    Gammagoblin – Damn you!  Another perfectly good mouthful of tea sneezed all over my keyboard!

  4. At Last!  The dreaded double-entry glitch has hit Grandad.  I thought it only happened to us lesser mortals.

  5. # Grandad on 12 May 2012 at 2:22 pm
    Meltemian – There is no ‘might’ about it.  Unless they radically improve the programmes, that is.  Unfortunately I won’t get to see your pretty girl, as when the Eurovision comes on, I tend to do something more pleasant.  Like removing my toenails with rusty pliers.
    John – I’m just waiting for you to appear on it.  Hah!
    Gammagoblin – Damn you!  Another perfectly good mouthful of tea sneezed all over my keyboard!

  6. # Grandad on 12 May 2012 at 2:22 pm
    Meltemian – There is no ‘might’ about it.  Unless they radically improve the programmes, that is.  Unfortunately I won’t get to see your pretty girl, as when the Eurovision comes on, I tend to do something more pleasant.  Like removing my toenails with rusty pliers.
    John – I’m just waiting for you to appear on it.  Hah!
    Gammagoblin – Damn you!  Another perfectly good mouthful of tea sneezed all over my keyboard!

  7. From here on out, a double posting fuck up will be known as a jedward (small j) .

  8. Heh!


    jed.ward [jed-werd]


    Anything that is nonsensically repeating and causing high levels of irritation.

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