Squishy pillows
Is it my imagination, or are there a lot more spammers these days?
Iâm not talking about the semi illiterate spammers who just post some crap, where they obviously havenât read a word I have written â the âYouâre blog is exceptional! Iâll check back soon to learn moreâ type of shite.
Iâm talking about apparently reasonable comments, where someone has actually read my pearls of wisdom and has made an attempt to make a logical response. On second reading though these little gems have two fatal flaws. They add sweet fuck all to the conversation, and they always link back to some sort of commercial site.
I found a few of these awaiting my approval today. One is a perfect example where he comments on yesterdayâs rant â âLooking great guys! But why all the swearing in the comments? hmmmmâ Now this chap has obviously noticed that the comments are a little on the flowery side [and what comments here arenât? Keep âem coming, and the flowerier the better] and has had the fucking gall to chastise us. In my opinion, modern society invites and deserves salty language simply because it is so fucking frustrating and idiotic. It would drive a saint to swear.
Another difference about this comment is that he uses his own name. This is not from âVilla Rental Baliâ or even from âFree Game Cracks and Key Generatorsâ [presumably of the well known Key Generator clan?]. Oh no. This is from Danny. But his link points to his web site which is promoting his designs or something.
It has taken me quite a few years of blood sweat and tears to get this site to a point where a few people actually read it, so I am sorry Danny, but you ainât getting a free ride on the back of my labours. And that goes for Hans and Trevor too who are both eagerly waiting in my moderation place to advertise their insurance and squishy pillow sites. I donât even know what a fucking squishy pillow is, and nor do I want to, so I am certainly not going to advertise it.
So if you want to comment here, feel free. If your link points to a [*holds nose*] âblogâ [*yech*] then I have no problem with that, but if you want to promote your business, leave the link out, or else fuck off.
This post is based on fact. All events are copied and pasted from my current spam and moderation queues. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead is purely intentional.
Some spammers were severely hurt in the writing of this piece.
Just posted a spiffing reposte only to have it rejected as spam – bastards.
anywho, on the subject of squishy pillows, mine is made from memory foam as indeed is my mattress, now why would anything that just lies there on the bed all day and all night need a memory, do they get up in the middle of the night for a piss and forget where the bed is? could they possibly forget that they are a pillow and mattress, transform themselves into an aeroplane and whisk me and the missus off to paradise? we can dream.
As for the numpty that thinks this site is too sweary – fuck the fuckety fuck off – twice.
For once I agree with the cunt.
Limey cunt.
What’s happened to the comment edit box?
Fucking hell!! Can’t spammers READ? Within an hour of posting this I got one from someone calling themselves “moteles en providencia“. There is another one too which just smells wrong. I have a good mind to just let anyone and everyone [even tt and Patrick] post what they want and link to wherever they want. The site would then look more impressive with hundreds of comments per post.
tt – Which comment edit box? If you mean the one that allowed you to edit after you have already submitted, then that is one of the little yokes I had to remove to make the site faster. It was the second worse offender.
i miss that edit box though it caused you great amusement….
if you start getting responses from me that look like they are unÂ
sigh SEE!
unfishished its the FUCKING CAT(S) FAULT! all three have very good entry paws
GD, I just lived the Edit Box. It gave me a chaince to corrrects my tiypos.
And all those spanners to goo and Fork thermselves.
I managed to find a couple of spare minutes in my unbelievably hectic schedule, and have fired up one of the plug things.
Cat – Let your namesakes loose, and let them do their worst. I need a good tester.
Slab – *sigh*Â Talk about casting pearls before swine………….
“Do not give what is holy to the dogs,”
Don’t forget the dogs, GD.
Keygens? 😀
No. Nothing like that. It’s never anything interesting – just web hosting sites, real estate [auctioneers?] and stuff like that. All rubbish. All dispatched into The Black Hole.
Here’s one good thing that came of this. I was looking to buy some squishy pillows and your post came up. I’m glad I found this site… you can add “+1” to your reader count.
Heh! Welcome Elm! Sorry I can’t help with a squishy link or two….