
The lazy hazy days of summer — 11 Comments

  1. And those people who do manage to get some sun will be all pink and glowing by tomorrow night and complaining about getting burnt.
    Idiots !

  2. Ah yes!  The old Boiled Lobster Syndrome.  Some people just never learn.

  3. i’d have commented sooner but summer arrived and i was out for the hour =]]]

  4. It’s nearly Summer here too – we’ve just had our water cut off for the first time this year.  (excluding the time Mr M put his pickaxe through the main supply to the village which was buried 6″ below the surface in our top garden!  We didn’t even know it was there.)

  5. How long will it be before the first person complains that we haven’t had one decent day of sunshine?

  6. We must be the only country in the world that can submerge a county under water and within weeks be rationing their supplies?

  7. You see people craning their necks to look at the sky – they’ve started moaning – but they just aren’t sure how to finish the sentence. Remind me again, am I complaining about the heat or the cold or the damp?

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