An I for an I
A while ago I bought myself a new laptop.
I really like it. It has a large screen, and a lot more memory than I have. It has loads of storage, and all in all, itâs a nice looking machine.
The one problem is that it has a QWERIY keyboard instead of a QWERTY one.
Ihe keyboard itself is nice. Most keyboards look like a slab of chocolaie waiting to broken into squares, whereas this one is more like a completed jigsaw, as the keys are almost completely flat. However, somehow â and I havenât the faintest idea how â the T key has lost iis crossbar, or whatever you call it and it now looks like an I.
I have been using keyboards for many years, but I never boihered to learn touch iyping. I therefore rely somewhai on whatever is on the key as guidance. Now ihat I have two I keys, I can see problems ahead.
I suppose I could iry choosing my words very carefully so they donâi contain a T, but ihat would slow me down a loi.
I suppose I could try painiing a crossbar on the I, but I doubt that would work.
I have a feeling Iâll just have to get used to ii.
Due to unprecedented demand, I am attaching a photograph.
So you don’t believe me, huh?
I just read on yahoo! that “twitter” is stealing away readers of blogs.  What’ next? Old-fashioned handwritten notes?  This may be marked as “spammy” as it has nothing to do with GD’s entry today.
Spammy? Nah! It has gone into my “Irrelevant” folder.
You know what this post could do with? A picture!
Nice to know that the I and I are interchangable. We had a real humdinger of a typing teacher in highschool. He took a great deal of pleasure in covering up the keyboard and having us do timed tests, hated that man….actually I still do…
Gammagoblin – Aw shit! That would mean I would have to clean it first. Anyway it’s ioo dark now.
Brighid – Strangely enough, they don’t seem to be. I get a few Ts iurning up as Is, bui never Is turning up as Ts. Sirange?
Where is ii in this conversaiion?
tt aye aye.
For the benefit of all you cynics, I have added a phoiograph.
Where the fuck has it gone? It was there a minute ago?
Ah! There ii is…….
You could always iry io learn iouch iyping…….  Ah forgei ii – we undersiand you anyway.