
I am a child abuser — 9 Comments

  1. I think you threw the idea of an Orwellian state a bit high for TT’s head, Grandad 😉

  2. Bloody hell,Mick!!  That’s cheerful?  I’m going to eat, drink and smoke myself to death before that shit strikes.

  3. Most smokers of my generation, who are not ignorant fuckers, dont smoke in their cars/houses where there are kids about. We are probably killing them with food aditives and all that anyway, but I think it is a good way to go…

  4. The mere act of putting children in a car, that is inevitably going to follow close behind other cars, means that those children are going to be exposed to very high levels of toxins from exhaust fumes.  There is no such thing as a safe environment unless we stick our offspring in oxygen bubbles?

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