Under the spotlight
I confess I am a little nervous.
Some time ago, I received a very polite email. It was someone from some university or something. She wanted to know if she could ask some questions.
I am a very accommodating bloke so I told her to fire away. I thought it would be the usual guff about why I started writing this site and when the fuck was I ever going to end. It wasnât like that though. She started asking me all about my personal life. She wanted details of what I did every day and when I did it and why. She even went so far as to send me fucking forms to fill in where I had to fill in the actual times I started to do something, what I did, why I did it and when I finished. I asked her why the fuck she wanted to know all this shit and she explained that she was an anthropologist, and wanted to study my behaviour.
I had to think about this one. What in the name of Jayzus did an anthropologist want to study me for? What sets me apart from the rest of the human race that I need to be studied? Could it be that as pipe smokers are an Endangered Species that she was putting on record one of the last known specimens? Could it be that I am one of the first members of a super new species that is evolving out of the current splodge of Homo Sapiens? Am I the first Homo Grandad?
There have been developments since the first email. She has started turning up in the garden.
I sometimes think she is taking the piss, because she wears a white coat and has a clipboard. How fucking clichéd can you get? She keep appearing at the window and peering at me and then taking notes, which is why Iâm getting a little nervous.
However, I know how to play the game. One trick I have developed for her benefit is to run out into the garden and collapse panting after a few seconds. She usually throws a few bananas at me at this stage to see how I react [I throw âem straight back. I prefer apples]. I then light up the pipe and do fifteen laps of the estate without pausing for a single pant. I can just see the headlines â âResearch has shown that pipe smoking is very good for stamina!â Heh!
Some people brag about how they have their own personal solicitor. Others talk about their own psychiatrist or keep fit trainer.
But how many can brag that they have their own personal anthropologist?
Stick that in your fucking pipe and smoke it.
Nice one Grandad!
If you are ever flying out of Manchester, England’s airport and are gasping for a smoke; you have to descend from the international concourse down several flights of stairs to the street level. Then you have to walk some distance until you discover a door that leads ouside the building. Once there you are really gasping for a smoke.
Thing is you find yourself in a wire mesh cage with several other primates, all puffing away. People are passing by on the sidewalk; sometimes the more curious will stop and stare. The more compasionate and adventurous will stick a cigarette to you through the mesh. So, I know how you feel.
GD take her to the place were you keep the tourist.
Filthy – I don’t think anyone believes me.
TT – Cages are a damned good idea. They would keep those filthy non smokers away from me.
Popeye – Not even I can remember all the various landfill sites and bog holes around here. I never bothered keeping maps either.
Wow your own Anthropologist!
Most of us collect antis and other forms of lowlife, I’d get in there quick, write a book on training Anthropologists, win a Pulitzer Prize and become a multi millionaire!
Then I think why? Just be happy with your pipe and your excellent views on life that most of us enjoy reading.
You know it’s one of the clock in the afternoon here, so it has to be 6 pm where you are. We can’t all wait around on you all day and night you know. Get your fat lazy arse out of bed at the crack of noon if not at the crack of day and get posting.