The Mary conspiracy
I was trying to read a book the other night, and Herself was watching television.
There was some panel discussion or other on, and I just happened to overhear a line from one of the women there.
âIf we had a greater representation of women in the Dail, then maybe we wouldnât be in our current messâ.
Itâs funny how when someone says something like that, you get a mental impression of the Dail being full of people like Mary Robinson or Mary McAleese. Reality is somewhat different.
Take for example our Minister for Health. Here we have an obese teacher who apparently had a vision as to how our health service is to be run. In the space of a few short years, she has ploughed billions into the system, and has managed to utterly destroy a system that had been functioning reasonably well. Most Irish people would now prefer to fly to Bosnia or Somalia for medical treatment rather than risk the Irish one. Her other great claim to fame is a complete blind eye when it comes to expenses. She seems to think that the government jet is her own private taxi. So much for feminine compassion there.
Then there is our Tainiste, or Deputy Prime Minister. She is Irelandâs answer to Sarah Palin. Her qualification for the position is that sheâs the daughter of a politician, and a social worker. Her only real value lies in her persistent ability to amuse us all with her complete and utter ignorance of what is going on.
How about our Bev? Daughter of another disgraced politician, she is famous for aiding and abetting tax evaders during her time as a bank employee. In her time, she resigned once in disgrace from government, and has been sacked twice, always managing to inveigle her way back in somehow. I suppose itâs a case of corruption loving corruption. She is also famous for her love of expense accounts and allowances.
I nearly forgot Gruppenführer Hannafin! Again, we have a daughter of a politician and a founder member of SPUC [an extreme right wing anti-abortion, anti-contraception and anti-divorce group]. Somehow she has ended up as Minister for Social and Family Affairs. Fuck! She has about as much feminine compassion as a rampant bull on steroids.
I suppose there is a sort of intellectual argument for having more women in the Dail. But it remains just that â an intellectual argument for debate over a pint.
Women in the Dail are no better and no worse than their male counterparts.
A funny thing strikes me about all the above. With the exception of our Bev [who is the only one not to get a top job], they are all called Mary.
Is this a conspiracy?
You need to ask if it’s a conspiracy? Surely you know the answer to that already!
I think this is just more of the same Feminist Bullshit that had the Name of such a fine institution as Portmarnock (Golf) club dragged through the mud recently.
The same shit goes on about the priesthood and should there be women priests.
Now everything would be okay if we had more female politicians.
It’s funny that, the people (Women) doing most of the campaigning on these issues have absolutely no intention of applying for the jobs or membership in question and in most cases are the ones furthest from being qualified for same.
It seems to be a power thing, have to have what they can’t get.
How many men would you see going to court if they were told they couldn’t become a full member of a Womans social club, e.g the ICA. Absolutely none, that’s how many.
In fact no man would ever want to join a club that was predominately membered by women, my God imagine all the bitching and fussing over fuck all.Â
Thank God we’re rational creatures.
Robert – I suppose you’re right. Maybe you should change your name to Mary?
Lafsword – I threatened to sue the local ICA on the grounds of discrimination. It backfired on me. I’m now a fucking member. *sigh*
typical sexist  nonsence that only women can get away with
Mary’s my middle name..
How does that rhyme go…
Mary Mary quite contrary. How does your garden grow…
What book were you trying to read ?
TT – Book? What book? Kama Sutra?
I have a copy of the Karma Mary Sutra (Blessed edition) from the priest’s library I’ll be sending you. Â
Love the pic on Wiki of Harney. In the interest of the psychological health of the Wiki users it’s blurred to buggery. Even so you can still make out she’s one hell of an ugly woman.
Just so as no one can accuse me of being sexist can I just point out that she’d still be hellish ugly even if she was a man.
“I was trying to read a book the other night, and Herself was watching television.”
That book.
Mary Coughlan is a babe! I’d hit that.
“Mary Coughlan is a babe!”
I’d Do her, more out of spite, than anything else though.
Brighid – I look forward to receiving that.
Not Twitter – I hadn’t noticed that [I never look at her too closely!]. What gets me is that an obese woman should be minister for health. I bet she smokes cigars too [but only when she’s shaving].
TT – Oh. That book.
Brianf & Lafsword – As long as you don’t expect an intelligent conversation after?
Can you imagine if  Harney wanted to get on top..Jesus..
Its a fashionable statement among female politicians both sides of the Celtic Sea it seems. We had a small upright nonsense called Harriet Harman who was asked about the reasons for the credit crunch and because she was (and remains) clueless about economic matters chose to say that the reason the city/banking was out of control was because there weren’t enough women in senior positions in the city.
This is despite the Prime Minister’s senior advisor on banking since 2006 being an ex-Credit Suisse senior banker (female). The same woman who didn’t notice her PA had nicked almost £5million from her personal bank account (Deepdi di Lauri case).
Generally if a female politician blames ‘men’ for the credit crunch or recession it is an admission she hasn’t a fucking clue how many women directors of banks there were or any understanding of economics or derivatives.
Its just an off-shoot of resentful feminism and the continuing mantra that everything wrong in the world is down to men- despite the vast majority of them being raised from an early age by (drumroll) women!
Its fucking nonsense and the last resort of the clueless female politician.
“Can you imagine if  Harney wanted to get on top”
You’d have to roll her in flour to find a wet patch & that would prob be an arm pit ..
Cap’n Con – well said, totally agree.
“a small upright nonsense called Harriet Harman” Brilliant, unfortunately we have a lot of these.
Coughlin and Hannafin are kinda hot though, in a deeply disturbing & twisted way, I will admit. Harney is a complete pig though.
Lafsword – That is deeply disturbing and twisted. You have put me off my lunch.
I don’t know whether this is true or not but I’m told Harney is also a constant smoker. I’m a smoker- but I’m not obese nor do I wander around claiming to be a Minister for Health.
Lafsword- I’d love to agree with you about Harney as she does have a certain sexual allure. But Coughlan?
Jesus there has to be minimum standards somewhere. And I try never to go where a Fianna Fail prick has been:) Have a good weekend
Cap’n – This is the point I have been making all along. I couldn’t give a shite if she is plug ugly and obese normally [much the same can be said of Cowen?]. It is the fact that she is obese AND the Minister for Health.
As for your last comment – I would rather have it off with my Dyson.
Send us a photo of the Dyson… wearing suspenders.
Cap’n – Sorry. I don’t publish pornography here.
Cap’n Con – Please please note, I said Hannafin and Coughlan, there are no drugs available that woukd get me to touch Harney, not even with a baseball bat.
I’m twisted but not desperate..
I’d quite happily touch Mary Harney with a baseball bat. Repeatedly, and with much force.