
Grandad goes electric — 20 Comments

  1. But I bet it doesn’t have that reassuring smell that I shall forever associate with avuncular country Rectors sitting in untidy studies of draughty old Rectories wearing baggy cardigans and worn out slippers.

  2. I’m waiting for electronic beer. the satisfying drink followed by the warm feeling, /not/ followed by the wife nagging

  3. Having to make constant explanations everywhere you go to avoid getting thrown out or the cops caled may get tiresome.

  4. I love this:
    1. It looks like a pipe.
    2. It makes smoke like a pipe.
    3. The neo-facists non-smokers will positively, absolutely freak out!

    I haven’t visited the link yet, but I’m hoping they make an electronic cigar. I love the electronical part.

    Does it Twitter?

    BTW: you might consider adding a note in your post that a video is included. RSS doesn’t pick up your video. I like it. You should read a chapter from your book whilst smoking your electronic pipe. Dulcet tones. Soothing smoke. Witty reparte. Shit the BBC would hire you.

    @Kae Verens: I think you need to start on weed to get the feeling you want.

  5. @GoingLikeSixty tried weed, didn’t like it. I’ve nothing against people using it, but it’s not for me.

    Besides, a pint of weed is pretty damned expensive, and isn’t as easy for the barman to pour.

  6. Ian – It does actually. Herself tells me it smells like a normal pipe, but she noticed that the ‘tobacco’ I’m using is different!

    Kae – E-Beer…. No nagging wife. No hangover. No drunk driving charges. A quarter the price. I’m working on it!

    TT – I must be prepared to suffer personal discomfort in my battle against the self-righteous bastards. I am wondering though how many pubs I’ll be barred from.

    Sixty – They do indeed make e-cigars. I don’t know if they Twitter though. Nothing I can do about the RSS thingy – once it has gone, it has gone.

  7. Aw, the little things that make us happy.

    have you tried it out in public yet? let us know how you get on.

    What kinda flavours does it come in – strawberry, chocolate, blueberry. Hmm, “I’m off to smoke chocolate” has a peculiar but intriguing ring to it

  8. All you’ve got to do is get one of those cell phone signal blockers I told you about and you will be content.

  9. I see they have an electronic cigar! But shipping is impossible, I’ll be shopping around US sites for something similar.

    RE: RSS/Video. I didn’t make myself clear. I thought you just might want to add a line like (video included) to give us RSS’ers a heads up.

  10. Charmed – I’m negotiating flavours at the moment. I’m hoping for mild Virginia or Columbian Gold.

    TT – E-pipe, Mobile-blocker and TV Remote. What more can a man ask for?

  11. Surely it’d be much easier to just shove one of those Nicorette inhalers inside one of your pipes and use that instead?

    Okay, maybe it won’t still have the smoke, but at least it means no batteries, and if you run out, you can just pop down to the pharmacy. 🙂

  12. Hehehehehehe!
    Smoke away Grandad. All those micro-electronics in there… I wonder who supplies them? MI6, us, NKVD, GE or maybe Haliburton?

  13. I don’t get it …. how come it’s not illegal if it’s producing a plume of smoke?
    Do you actually get the taste of tobacco from it? Do you put cartridges into it?

    Ok .scrap the above … I followed the link in your sidebar and found it all out!

  14. TheChrisD – Nicorette inhalers just aren’t the same fun. There is no point if you can’t piss off the anti-smokers! 😈

    TheCIA – If you lot were responsible for the circuitry, then I would probably be able to use the pipe to swich TV channels. You know you lot could never come up with anything so sophisticated.

    Sneezy – Actually it’s some sample ammunition they thoughfully included.

    Paddy – It’s quite simple really. It looks like smoke, but in fact it is vapour – a mixture of nicotine vapour and water. The law states that the burning of tobacco is illegal, but this yoke doesn’t have any tobacco and very little heat. It does indeed taste of tobacco, and a veriety of flavours are available.

  15. I understand that there’s plans for a future version of the pipe that will include a working cell phone as well. You listen on the stem and talk into the bowl. Problem with that idea is that I’m sure you would end up explaining to anyone who saw you talking into your pipe that you weren’t really crazy as sh**house rat.

    Of course that might be fun at times too.

    And BTW, your video shows up in my feed reader (‘Brief’ add-on for Firefox) with no problem.

  16. Is that an Aran Sweater? How very Irish of you. I thought only tourists bought them?

  17. It really is convincing. I didn’t know you could get pipe versions.

    I wonder if people who start smoking will start smoking these things instead of the real deal. I’m quite amused by that idea!

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