Getting Offspring to Blog
Ron and I are talking again after the GrannyLostThePlot thing.
We went for a pint last night. Dick came along too.
Dick wasn’t in the best of form because his company was just about to sign a big contract with another company, and he had just heard that the other company had gone bust. Ron was in great form because he had just made a killing on the horses, so the drinks were on him.
“So how’s the old blogging thing going?” said Ron.
“Don’t you read Head Rambles?” says I, somewhat surprised.
“Nah. I don’t go in for that sort of thing. It’s a load of rubbish. We just set up the sites and forget about them.”
“Thanks very f*cking much” says I. “Here am I, slaving away, and you dismiss it just like that!”
“Bloggers are egotistical bastards who have nothing better to do with their time” says he “and since you got a tiny mention in the papers and a five second slot on the telly, you have been insufferable”
“You’re just jealous” says I.
“Don’t take it to heart. How’s Herself doing with hers?”
“I think she may be cooling down a bit. It caused a lot of grief, you know. You’re treading on thin ice here.”
“OK. Sorry. I’ll set your daughter up with one if you like. That should be a bit of craic. I’d read that one.”
Dick muttered something about server space and how a lot of it was being wasted on the Grandad clan. I pointed out to him that I had put a lot of business his way in the past, so he shut up and went back to his miseries.
“Offspring won’t blog” says I. “She is too coy about the whole thing. She reckons that people wouldn’t be interested in her thoughts”
“Why don’t you ask your readers if they would like her to blog? They’ve seen your blog and they’ve seen Herself’s blog, so Offspring can’t be any worse”
“I’m not going to ask my readers to cast votes” says I. “They have better things to do”
“You never know” says Ron. “Get enough people asking her to blog, and she might be persuaded.”
“I am not going to ask people to vote. Most of ’em don’t even bother posting comments, so they aren’t going to bother with that.
Actually, she has written a blog post. She has one of those MySpace thingies and has written a post on it”
“Great stuff!” says Ron “Give me the address, and I’ll read it. If it’s any good I’ll post a comment and encourage her to write more. If it’s as good as you reckon, I’ll set her up with a proper blog.”
Dick muttered darkly in the background, but we ignored him.
“Though on second thoughts, ya can’t post comments on that MySpace unless you’re a member” says Ron “So they’ll have to leave their comments on your blog”
That was fine by me so I wrote out the address on a beermat in large Guinness smeared letters – HTTP://BLOG.MYSPACE.COM/CACKALOO
Why not get her on board, that way you can keep tabs on who she is chatting to…..
Thats the only reason my Elly suggested I start 😉
So essentially none of you will talk to each other any more just blog away? The modern family!
Ha ha. The last comment reminds me of when I once ran a website for our tennis club. One of our older members was in Australia on holidays with his wife. His grown up male kids back in Dublin were hard to get on the phone as always. But since his kids were also members of the tennis club he was able to regulatly see – via my website – that they were turning up to tennis matches and he even knew the results! It was a lot easier than finding them to talk to and at least he knew they were alive!
it’s true. my family keeps in touch via our family blog–it’s a place to post news and trip photos and funny cuttings from the paper. some of them i haven’t actually spoken to in years…..
works pretty well that way.