There are limits to my patience
Herself has been nagging me to go to the library.
We got the books out in the middle of December, and I’ve been renewing them by phone.
So yesterday she told me to get over there, as the library are holding onto a book she requested.
It wasn’t convenient. I had a busy day yesterday, between blogging, cutting my toenails, doing a bit of sudoku, trimming my bonsai and the rest. But Sandy and I got in the car and off we went, on our ten mile round trip.
It was one of those irritating journeys. It started when a 4WD cut out in front of me causing Sandy to collapse into the footwell. Then I got stuck behind a woman [it’s always a woman] doing 40 in an 80 zone and driving with her foot on the brake pedal.
Then there were the ubiquetous temporary traffic lights that held me up for ages.
I made it into the town after several more brushes with 4WDs.
My luck changed – there was a parking spot right outside the library. So I parked. And then I saw the notice –
“The library is closed today for staff training. We apologise for the inconvenience”
So we made our way home through the 4WDs, and the crap drivers, and the speed bumps that make Sandy’s teeth rattle and the temporary traffic lights.
“Did you get my book?” says Herself.
“No I didn’t” says I, “the f*cking place was closed for training”
“Oh, that’s right.” says Herself “I saw a notice in the local paper that it would be.”
I went off to get the baseball bat.
one word for you, buddy: bookmobile.
Nah! We have a local library, but Herself doesn’t like if for some reason. She insists on the one five miles away, with the rotten [paid] parking and the lousy traffic.
I hate when that happens. It’s like going out into the garage to get something and then forgetting why you went out.
We have paid parking in Cavan too. The wardens – all female and selected on their resemblence to Challenger tanks – practically stalk your car, and if you’re one second overtime, slap you with a â¬25 euro fine.
My dad ate the face off a warden once because of this. He then got a â¬50 fine.
Guess where I’m just back from?! Managed to get parking and all, for 50c! And the library was open. All in all – result 🙂