Time to Rantabout.it
I finally received my Christmas present from Ron yesterday.
He isn’t slow or tardy. He’s not like that. In fact he gave it to me before Christmas.
It’s just that it is now finally working.
He gave me a Domain – rantabout.it – but if you click on it, it will just bring you back here.
It’s a kind of closed circle.
I like it, though I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do with it. I’m not going to change the name of my blog because I have gotten sort of used to it.
Maybe I’ll start up a new blog and keep the new one for rants, and this one for other things? No. That would confuse me.
Maybe someone will offer me a vast fortune for it? I doubt that too, though there is a site called rantaboutit.com, but I don’t think that site is exactly vying with Google at the top of the Internet.
Anyway, I’ll leave it there for the moment.
If it starts to annoy me, I can always rantabout.it.
Oh dear god no! Don’t change. Don’t give into the horrible temptation to fragment and over exert yourself! Keep ’em both pointing to the same and then at least that way I won’t be confused 🙂 Keep them coming, they are fine the way they are..
Don’t worry Robert. I have no intention of changing anything. One Grandad blog is enough for the world to try to cope with.
Have you seen that someone created a search engine especially for you?
Check out cranky.com
I know. I mentioned it obliquely in my “Letter to America”. Now, if you had been paying attention…….. 🙂
And while I’m in whinging form, why don’t you install subcribe to comments?
Oh, I *might* have nominated you for some award or other. Memory fails me, but I remember being disheartened when I couldn’t see where to nominate ‘best senior blogger’…
Wow! That’s a great idea Richard. You pay me â¬100 and I’ll post you all the comments I get. Or do you mean something else?
And don’t worry about the memory thing. That comes to all of us in time. They rejected the idea of a “Best Senior Blogger” because they knew it would be a one horse race.