I've seen it all now
I have been surfing the Internet for quite a few years now.
Ron first showed it to me back in the mid ’90s and I was impressed.
He has been involved in it right from the start, when the general public hadn’t even heard if it.
He still chuckles at the time he was giving a demonstration to a room full of executives. They didn’t realise they could connect to a computer in another room, let alone in another continent.
So he decided to show off. He decided to call up the White House site onto the large screen, so they could all see across the Atlantic. It’s address is ‘whitehouse.gov’. But he accidentally typed in ‘whitehouse.com’. And that used to be a porn site.
He said that reaction to his demonstration was interesting. Most were amazed that they were looking at a computer so far away. Some were delighted to be seeing some naked flesh. And one was annoyed because he wanted to see the White House. You can’t win ’em all.
I have found some very interesting sites in my travels.
I remember finding one that I thought was rather clever in it’s sheer [apparent] simplicity. I bookmarked it.
I have found holiday places and had some good holidays. I have seen some weird and disgusting things.
But all good things must come to an end.
I was very saddened yesterday to come across this site.
I don’t know what I’m going to do now.