
The Irish thing — 4 Comments

  1. Every US President is of Irish descent. Even Barry O’Bama.
    Seriously though, the Irish were /are good at booze, music, craic / humour, and shagging.
    They did not roam the Earth upsetting the natives, but they did a lot roaming. All those offspring had to go somewhere, only one got the farm.
    I like them, but then I am biased.

  2. The reason may be that no-one hates Ireland nor the Irish, there’s no reason to, they don’t have any enemies, they don’t declare war on others, they don’t invade other lands by force, they are peace-loving, friendly folk who just encourage everyone to get pissed and sing. What’s not to like?

    Truth is, of course, the irish have invaded most countries, but only by stealth, the diaspora has spread across the planet for centuries now, leaving a trail of Irish DNA in most cultures, thus giving most cultures the opportunity to remember it, while getting pissed for Paddy’s Day or any other excuse. Which answers your question about why it is so widely celebrated.

    One of my own great-great-grandparents was a potato-famine escapee, so that’s my tenuously distant excuse for joining in the day. After a few Jameson’s shots, I may even join in the ‘line dancing for amputees’, as I believe it’s called.

  3. When I was in the RAF I spent a couple of weeks at a USAF base in Germany. One of the Americans told me he’d been promoted to sergeant and busted back to whatever the bottom rung is in the US Air Force because he kept getting into fights. He blamed it on being Irish. Apparently one of his great great great etc ancestors was Irish, so he was Irish. That’s why there are so many “Irish” in the world, follow your family tree far enough back and you’ll probably find an Irishman. Five of my great grandparents were Irish, so that gives me the right to dress top to toe in green with a ridiculously large green hat, go out and get roaring drunk and tell everybody they’re my besh friend and say “Begorrah” and “Top o’ the morning to yez”.

    But I won’t, because I’m English. 😀

    Happy St Paddy’s Day to you. 😉

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