Infected web sites
I just wrote a long post about my health woes.
It came across as self pitying.
I binned it.
Okay, my health has been on a rapid decline over the last few weeks but that is boring news [except maybe for me?] but I have noticed another phenomenon. As the physical declines so does the mental.
I have mentioned before about this compulsion I have to scribble something each day. Normally this wasn’t a problem. I would find a topic and would then do a mental draft. But lately as soon as I try drafting something the brain instantly turns to sludge. It’s worse than writer’s block as the thoughts are there but they are so mixed up and confusing that I couldn’t possibly make any sense of them.
Take for example the edifying spectacle last Friday of the Attack Dogs savaging poor Zelenskyy. This would be pure gold-dust for material but sadly I had to let it pass. My thoughts were too confused. I did have opinions all right but putting those opinions into some sort of legibility was impossible. Sludge. Mental Porridge.
Even now, I’m not sure where I am going with this. My thought process is on a totally different track from when I started.
I don’t know what impact this will happen to poor Rambles.
Can a web site contract cancer?
Poor Zelenskyy? I suspect that is quite literally as well as metaphorically untrue. I wonder exactly where all the money has gone?
No, I think that given the chance, he’d be very similar to Putin.
Putins a monster. But when he had the opportunity to demonstrate how he treated his own Russian-speaking population, Zelenskyy was not exactly non-monstrous either.
A plague on both their houses.
Whatever you can do, my friend. Nothing lasts forever…including us. Anyway…
I had neglected my old website for quite awhile and just as I was getting interested in posting again my web-host dropped support for WordPress without notification. Posts and databases gone and unrecoverable.
In other news,the Wife and I recently paid off our mortgage which makes us dept-free. Paid off house, car-1 and car-2. And we’re both (knock on wood) still alive and mostly healthy to enjoy it.
Meanwhile, back at the farm (USA), Trump is still pissing off everybody off…