Ireland chose its entry for the Eurovision thing last weekend.
Well, that’s not strictly true. A very small group did the choosing out of an abysmal selection.
Over the years the song contest has descended from an actual contest, through comedy and farce. Basically it’s now just a parody of itself annd I don’t know why anyone bothers with it any more. I think the final death knell was when they invited Australia to become part of the European party.
The “song” that was chosen apparently is sung by a Norwegian and composed by a Norwegian so if Ireland wins, Norway takes the prize. There again, some other country may win with an Irish song sung by an Irish singer, so there’s a chance for us yet?
The “song” [and I use the term loosely] is a tribute to Laika who you may remember was the poor unfortunate dog that the Russians launched into space way back when. So now we have an Irish entry of a Norwegian song about a Russian dog. Very Irish. I won;t include a video of the entry as I have too much respect for people’s senses, both audio and visual. Needless to say it involves a lot of people prancing around on stage in front of a wall of visual effects and lasers. However, I will post an extract from the lyrics which I trust will give an indication of the complexity of the composition…….
Bam-bam, ba-da-dam-bam-bam-bam-bam-bam
Laika party in the sky, oh
Laika party in the sky, oh
Bam-bam, ba-da-dam-bam-bam-bam-bam-bam
Laika party in the sky (Ba-da-dam-bam-bam-bam—)
It probably has a high chance of winning.
I, for one, shall waste no time in watching Eurovision.
A bleedin obvious comment, I kno.
But the Father Ted Urine Song Contest one was comically true.
Is that Gaelic? 🙂
Creativity at its finest!
My father made a similar comment regarding The Beatles once. “She loves you yah yah yah yah yahhhhhhhh.
If your imported Norwegian happens to be a bearded bloke dressed as a woman but self-identifying as a llama, then it’s game-over, he’s won it before he’s/she’s/it’s sung a word of that remarkable libretto.
You’ll need to tell me what happens, I won’t be watching.
Sorry. You’ll have to watch and report back to me. I won’t be watching.
We Americans have sent a load of tv crap to Europe. I for one am extremely happy that we never got Eurovision. I guess that truly bad tv shows only flows in one direction.
I apologize for 95% of tv shows sent overseas.
And not the other 5%? Why not those too?
I figure that there is about 5% of tv shows we send overseas that are worthwhile. Maybe that should be lowered to 3%. Either way there is some good American video out there.
Southpark! Oh, sorry – that’s Canadian?
I seem to recall Johnny Logan winning on two consecutive occasions and read that, as the winning country has to host the next one, it almost bankrupted the Irish television industry.
Anyway, the ESC went downhill after Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson’s “Sing Little Birdie”.
We still have Dana trying to revive her former glory. She even ran for president, for fucks sake!
Many years ago, that year that Norway went from Null Points to actual winners I had an Irish lodger. This chap, like many of his countrymen took this contest Very Seriously. Being a Saturday evening I was on my way out for a beer or three when I asked young Mr. Hogan if he would care to accompany me. No, I want to watch the Eurovision to see who wins. Norway, I said. Now, I must admit that I had accidentally seen a preview and caught just part of that entry and was impressed. When got home he greeted me with You won! You won! How much did you have on it? Do people actually bet on the result. It must be more bent than dog racing at Hackney.