
Trump V2 — 2 Comments

  1. The BBC, blessed be its name, has been boring us with this congregation of sycophants and sour sore losers. I have intermittently been in the same room as the telly box. What the Beeb, or its chosen telly broadcaster partner, has been very careful not to show us are the sore losers sucking on their sloes. Now that I would have watched. I suspect that The Donald, or his people, have stretched the ceremony out, including an “accidental” technical failure delay, just to discomfit Sleepy Joe. Likewise positioning that tasty chanteuse with her tempting long blonde, and no doubt odoriferous, hair in front of him and well within sniffing range.

  2. I had a post all ready to go but Damned if I can find the card the post was written on. The worst part is that the direction I was supposed to turn and walk off stage when I finished was also on that card.

    Now I suppose I will just have to find Obama and follow him around.

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