
Happy Birthday — 5 Comments

  1. Two weeks ago my own dad would have been 112, I salute him every year when ‘his’ day comes round, he made me what I am, for better or worse.
    Dying in 1998 so, unlike yours, I got the chance to show my dad the computers of the 90s, even some basic e-mail – he spent his entire working life in the printing trade and the sight of word-processing, desk-top publishing and laser-printing, even back then, blew his mind, whilst causing him deep concern for his younger ex-workmates, whose future he could see heading down the pipe.
    We often don’t realise how much progress we have seen in a lifetime, it leads we old-timers to wonder what huge leaps forward we’ll never get to see after we’ve eventually shuffled off.

  2. I miss my father something terrible at times. He was Born in a logging camp in Washington state 02/08/1910. Passed June 12, 1976 (heart failure).

    He was a WW2 veteran and the best man I ever knew.

  3. It’s my birthday on the 27th Dec also. Dad’s was on the 24th. One present for Christmas and birthday allways riled me.

    I paid it back with my own children; son on 23rd and a daughter on the 19th Dec.

  4. Now that I’m what they would call and “old man” I find I rarely think of my parents. I suppose that’s strange but I was never one to be typical when I came to personal nostalgia. These days it takes up a lot of my attention just to walk down the stairs without having an accident.

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