
Appointments — 6 Comments

  1. My late wife had that model of rollator, and it’s very good. Apart from one thing.

    As the tyres wore, the brakes became less effective. That creates a risk that you lean on it, the brakes don’t work, and the thing moves off and you fall over.

    So I’d suggest you have a routine, every month or so, of checking and adjusting the brakes.

    • I agree. It’s very sturdy and does the job very well apart from two design faults. I totally agree about the breaks, and have had to adjust them a few times. I had to actually modify one as adjustment just didn’t work [after an accident where the whole thing was damaged]. The other fault is more of a niggle. The bag under the seat is grand for maybe brining something home from the shops but Herself is inclined to leave stuff in there on a permanent basis. this means I either can’t fold the yoke or else it spills its contents all over the back seat of the car.

  2. Don’t you have the equivalent of a ‘blue badge’ for disabled parking in Ireland? I got such a badge for my wife – God rest her soul – for her many appointments with dementia. I could also park on the yellow lines outside the dentist.

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