
Time for drastic action — 12 Comments

  1. I don’t know how you stand it, but the best of luck for tomorrow, it’s time you had some better news.

  2. I can’t even imagine in my wildest dreams what you are describing. I echo the same sentiment as others, give em hell! You need to be admitted to the hospital after your meeting treatment started. This is ridiculous. Good luck! Update as you can or able. We’re all wishing you the best.

  3. Wishing you all the best, which you need. Which I hope is better than Our Saintly NHS here in Blighty.
    I’ve read that there seem to be a lot of these aggressive cancers these days. Of course nothing to do with the Safe & Effective.
    God Bless (which is all I can wish really, other than a load of fentynal/morphine, and that I don’t ever find myself in the same position).

  4. Hoping this appointment finally gets the ball rolling for you. Praying for you and your good lady.

  5. I really don’t see why your surgeon is dragging his feet (and yours as well) on this. Seems more than a bit foolish to me. But then I’m not a doctor either. At the very least he could offer the reasoning behind it.

  6. Good vibes and waves of goodwill being sent from this side of the big pond to you and yours. All the best Grandad.

  7. I cannot conceive the anguish you’re experiencing now, Grandad.

    God Almighty, you’re strong!

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