
Back on the treadmill — 14 Comments

  1. You would have thought they would have sorted the main bit after all it is the primary site. While they wait and check the anomaly the rest could spread.
    If you have a ship sinking with a big hole in the middle you don’t go checking the rest of the boat before you fix the main hole.

    Admittedly I’m not a Doctor but….

    Sounds like they are as bad as the bunch over here.

    Good luck. Our best wishes are with you.

    • This one puzzles me too. The only reason I can think of is that the main operation will leave me too weak to go through more chemo, but the chances are I’ll get chemo anyway. I do trust his judgement though [like a fool]

  2. Could you have damaged the rib when you collapsed the other week in the shop? Just a thought.

    • That was the first thing that I thought of. Apparently though I just went down like a felled tree, and that’s from an eye-witness.

      • That wouldn’t have prevented you cracking a rib. Might be worth mentioning it just to see I they look at your notes from then & go ah. At least then you might get the root cause delt with PDQ.

  3. What a GD mess. Sounds like medicine is as bad over there as it is here. Meanwhile the cancer sits in your nose and eats it from the inside out. While more tests are being done of course. I am so sorry for this latest fork in the road. Stay strong and keep on the painkillers. I hope the doctors are at least managing your pain. A transdermal pain patch may be a good option.

    • Apart from a script for Morphine I am basically using what I can get over the counter. Strangely the latter are more effective than the Morphine!

  4. It’s always something when it comes to doctors. I know what I would say to the doctor that told you all surgeries were off because of a spot on one of my ribs but I will refrain from saying it here. I’m afraid it would be too much even for this site. 😉

  5. You’ve been given a shit sandwich and now it’s been supersized. You have a lot of people rooting for you. Hold on.

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