
The Irish Theme Park — 7 Comments

  1. Wicklow International Airport? Well if Knock can do it so can Wicklow. All it needs is a local miracle. Or miracle worker.
    Or some local Oracle.
    By your header portrait, you are a shoo in.

    • So when the good people of Arklow get pissed off with the constant noise, they blame me? Thanks!

      • This is nothing to worry about. The larger problem you face is will the coffee shop you and Penny frequent still be there? Possibly they will move the shop to the new International Airport. Hell, it may even have some sort of Disney inspired theme.

  2. I suspect that many modern councils and governments push for cycle paths and greenways so that the general populace, deprived of the cars by lunatic climate change polices, can have safe travel lanes. Where they can make suitable gestures of respect to the Powers That Be swanning past in their state provided limousines.

    Cynical, moi?

    • The problem with the one they are proposing is that it is just an almost straight ten miles with no features or any points of interest. There is nothing there to attract tourists or even locals. I doubt there are very many who commute solely between the two towns as both are essentially satellite towns for Dublin. The poor old M11 will remain as choked with cars as ever.

  3. I assume the ambulance was for herself, I hope she has recovered and now back home.

    • Yes indeed. It was just a precautionary thing and she was thrown out the following day.

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