My little dose of Herpes
Against my better judgement I had the Covid vaccine during the great panic.
I have regretted it ever since.
Shortly after I developed a dose of Shingles. This is a nasty little bugger and in my case it was a painful rash in my neck and back. It lasted a while and the rash subsided. However that wasn’t the end of it. I developed a lovely wee side effect of Shingles – Post-herpetic neuralgia. This is a lovely little beast where a nerve is somehow activated and then goes ballistic for no apparent reason. My nerve in question affects the side of my head, down the side of my face and neck and down to my right shoulder-blade. Sometimes it’s a sharp pain; sometimes it’s a fierce itch and sometimes it’s a burning sensation. It looks like this may be a permanent fa sharp eature of my life.
It crossed my mind that this might not be a coincidence. Way back I did a search and came up with a load of reports of people complaining of Shingles but there was no actual evidence [further research is needed. Where have I heard that before?]. That was a couple of years ago.
Recently our health mob started advertising on local television alerting people to the symptoms of Shingles . They even produced a new website. Why? What was the sudden warning about? Why pick on Shingles and not the flu or some other little nasty?
This week there was one of those phone-in programmes on the radio and the main topic was Shingles. People phoned in from all over and Post-herpetic neuralgia was mentioned a few times too. Again, why was there this sudden rash [pun intended] of cases of Shingles?
After the programme, it crossed my mind to have another search as they have presumably had time to do their research. Reports did indeed confirm a link. I was vindicated.
Out of interest I did a little research on the general side effects of the Covid jab.
Mild neurological effects of the COVID-19 vaccine include weakness, numbness, headache, dizziness, imbalance, fatigue, muscle spasms, joint pain, and restless leg syndrome are more common, while tremors, tinnitus, and herpes zoster [=Shingles. GD] are less common. On the other hand, severe neurological complications included Bell’s palsy, GuillainâBarre syndrome (GBS), stroke, seizures, anaphylaxis, and demyelinating syndromes such as transverse myelitis and acute encephalomyelitis. Among these, the most dangerous neurological complication caused by COVID-19 vaccines, especially adenovirus-based, is cerebral venous sinus thrombosis in women of childbearing age.
Time to sue the fuckers?
After following the link this appears to be a case of the treatment possibly being worse than the affliction.
This was the “revolutionary” vaccine that promised protection with little or no side effects? It’s no wonder Pfizer insisted on indemnity clauses.
I reluctantly took the 2 shots of the clot shot as I wanted to fly from Spain to the USA. I never take the annual flu shot and was skeptical especially as we had a perfect example of the cruise ship which was quarantined and 14 died out of 3700 total passengers and crew.
Someone needs to be held responsible for what they did.
Good luck with the lawsuit, you’ll need it. The purveyors of the death-jab knew it could/would be dodgy, as none had ever been adequately tested, or tested at all for that matter.
Most medications invented by the pharma-boys never see the light of day, failing the testing processes somewhere along the way, which is how it should be, that’s why they can charge so much for the few that survive the testing.
To cover their corporate arses for Covid, they cunningly persuaded desperate governments everywhere to take on the product liability aspect in order to rush the death-fluid into arms without any delay (for such trivial things as testing).
Hence you’d inevitably be suing your own government, an organisation which, if adequately threatened, can immediately implement a new law absolving itself of any retrospective responsibility. Not even the most grasping, slimy, no-win-no-fee lawyer would take it on.
Still fancy your day in court?