Explaining the inexplicable
I don’t understand technology.
This is a somewhat scary admission from someone qualified in electronics [at third level] and who made a profession ultimately with computers.
It just seems to have a mind of its own. It doesn’t do things I expect it to, and it does things I don’t expect it to.
I mentioned as an aside a few days ago that I was having trouble with my CCTV’? I ha tried everything I could think of to get it running again. I had reached the point of looking up replacement cameras on the Interwebs. Then the following day it worked! I didn’t do anything that time that could have brought it to life, but there it was, full of beans and rearing to go. Why did it suddenly decide to work? I have no idea.
Likewise this laptop has suddenly decided to behave itself. I literally spent weeks trying to get it to behave and to just boot up properly. There was another problem I hadn’t mentioned – sound wasn’t working at all. No tweak or adjustment made any difference. It was mute and intended to stay that way.
The other day I switched on the machine. One click if a menu, and there was Linux in all ts glory. Wat was worse, it started blaring sounds at me. I found the source – a tab in the browser had a video in it which was now chirping its merry heart out. Then I realised -to my astonishment that the sound was working! What? How?
I can say with my hand on my heart that the Interwebs is full of people with problems with their HP Envy laptops that won’t boot into Linux or that the sound wasn’t working. None of them had found any solution. I had tried all the suggestions that I found, and none of them worked. Now suddenly my self same HP Envy was behaving properly. I haven’t a clue what happened. How can I explain the inexplicable? I can;t even log into all those sites of Envy grief with a cure for their problem when I don’t have one myself. Do I go and tell them to just be nice to their laptops and that sooner or later their machines will behave?
I’m just getting too old for this lark.
Caption time
Bono receives Presidential Medal of Freedom from Biden
Hokay… So the value of such an honour is instantly made worthless..
But that’s beside the point.
What struck me is the image. It is absolutely crying out for a caption?
Feel free…….
A multi-weather hazard event
I’m just back from the coffee shop.
Normally I would be found there around four in the afternoon but today is special.
You see, we are about to experience a “multi-weather hazard event“. Scary stuff, what? It sounds like a subtitle of a Hollywood disaster film? Leastwise, I had to get down to the village before being totally cut off from civilisation.
I do concede that I tend to be a little cynical when it comes to weather forecasting. That’s because they tend to exaggerate everything so that “severe thunderstorms” might mean one or two distant rumbles. This time I am prepared to stick my neck out and say that yes, there will probably be snow tonight. I use the same forecasting model as the met crowd, and the model predicts quite a substantial fall of snow over the next while.
But I think describing a snow fall as a multi-weather hazard event is laying it on a bit thick. Luckily the Interwebs is here to tell us how to cope with this impending doomsday scenario .
How on earth did we survive before the Interwebs?
‘Snow joke
I had another hospital appointment this morning.
So I braved the terribly dangerous, nay hazardous weather that the meeja has been going frantic over. Needless to say it was a perfectly normal trip with no ice-sheets, glaciers or ten-foot snow drifts.
This appointment was in the Rapid Access Lung Clinic. This sounded great. Rapid access to any clinic is good so I expected to be greeted by a flunky in a golf cart waiting to whisk me through the long corridors. Sadly this wasn’t the case. I had to walk [and of course it was a very long walk] and even worse, had the mandatory hour wait. Rapid access my bollicks.
Eventually my name was called and I met the doctor. He was a nice bloke who obviously thought I was fully qualified in medical matters as he spent the meeting telling me in the minutest detail what they intended to do to me. The distilled version of his speech is that they are mildly concerned about a couple of spots in the lungs and want to stick a yoke down my throat to grab some samples. Apparently I will be heavily sedated for the procedure which is fine by me.
I have a couple of appointments next week for the usual blood test and immunotherapy. To celebrate the fact, the met office is now screaming about hazardous snow falls next week.
I’m going to have to drive up to Dublin through fifty foot snow-drifts.
Well, the met office can’t be wrong? Can they?