Running out
Yesterday was one of those days.
It started off badly [I can’t remember why] and went downhill from there.
The mood was bad and kept sinking into a morass of negative thoughts. It wasn’t so much depression, more anger for various familial reasons which I won’t go into. Herself occasionally has similar thoughts and I can talk her through it but somehow I’m not very good at talking myself out of such situations.
Then my laptop stopped working. It had run out of disk space. My previous machine had a 1Tb hard disk, but this one only has half that and I keep forgetting to clean it out. Bugger! Luckily my mood meant I wasn’t interested in ‘puters so that little job was put on the long finger.
I also discovered that our very good neighbours are on the move. It has been on the cards for a long time even to the point that we know that our new neighbour is apparently a very nice bloke, as is his husband. *cough*. I’ll really miss the old neighbours though.
Then last night I discovered I was out of medication. Actually I still have a very low stock but had completely run out of sleeping tablets. I don’t know why they should go first as I stick rigidly to medical routines but my Sleepers are listed amongst the vital ones.
So last night I went to bed in the sure and certain knowledge that I wouldn’t sleep. I even warned Herself that she was likely to hear me mooching around the house in the small hours.
I slept. And then I slept some more. And more. I woke finally at around eight, came out to my armchair and fell asleep again for another couple of hours. Wow!
So today I feel a hell of a lot better. The anger has evaporated and is now just a very sad acceptance of affairs. I’m having bets with myself that the new neighburs will have a dog and it won’t be of the Alsatian or Irish Wolfhound variety. I’m offloading about 257Gb of files onto a backup disk as I type. The kitchen sink is unblocked and Queen are playing on the radio.
Life is good again.
I wonder if I’ll sleep tonight?
If they do have a dog it will be something small and yappy.
My big money is on a Bichon Frisé
What do they taste like?
I jest.
When a gay couple marry do they argue about who will be the husband and who will be wife? It is important when it comes to who does the washing up.
And are lesbians gay? Or are they sexist?
Good luck auld fella.