
Are diamonds forever? — 7 Comments

  1. Congratulations, old timer. I can say that, being just less than a year behind you.
    I’d heard about your ‘losing my virginity party’ back in ’71 – I assume that’s the party you mean?

  2. Birthdays never had the anticipation and excitement of Christmas.
    Where I was raised, at school, primary and secondary, if your “chums” got wind that it was your birthday they would each take delight in punching you hard with knuckles on the upper arm. One punch for each year.
    Totally unconnected, if you went to school with obviously new shoes, again your muckers would stamp hard with their heels on each shoe. So always walk through mud in your new shoes.
    But you, in your daughter, have a true diamond. Not a mere lump of the dreaded carbon.
    And you know it.

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