
Give it up — 6 Comments

  1. I was christened at six months of age and can’t remember the last time I went to Mass. I never once went to confession, and by now I couldn’t recall any of the really juicy stuff any way.

    Dad was shipped off to a Catholic boarding school at about seven or eight years old. Naturally, he couldn’t wait to get out. (Those nuns were vicious with a yardstick.) He told me that while the yardstick on the knuckles was tolerable, the worst of it having to say “Thank you Sister” afterwords.

    • Like yourself, I was thoroughly indoctrinated into the system long before I had any say in the matter. By the time I reached my mid-teens I was disillusioned with the whole lark and at the earliest opportunity I adopted the ife of an Atheist. My mother was horrified, and my father’s attitude – at last the lad is thinking for himself! My father always did plough his own furrow.

      • I went through the grades in the public school system and didn’t do well. I got along ok but mostly just squeezed by.

        There was a Catholic school acrost from the church we attended, and mom mentioned at dinner one evening that she was going to look into transferring me there. Dad said in no uncertain terms not just NO, but Hell no!

        For one thing we can’t afford the tuition, second, we can’t afford the uniform, and most important is, no matter how much things may have changed this is not going to happen! (At which point I was thinking “thank you Father”!)

  2. Good for you on junking religion. I’ve been an atheist since I was in my teens. Being a diligent youth, I decided that I needed the facts on the very important issue of religion, so I read the bible from cover to cover. The so called believers in my life had told me that this would explain everything. It did. The contradictions alone were enough to show me the true path and know that it is all bull. 🙂

    • I have always made a distinction between Faith and Religion. Faith is fine [though I still couldn’t define what mine is] whereas Religion is a man-made institution for the glorification of its seniors and has fuck all to do with Christianity or any other faith for that matter.

  3. The problem I have had with biblical references is that everything seems to be open to interpretation.
    Three people can read a passage and get three different meanings from it.

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