All the eggs
It’s a flat calm outside at the moment.
There’s a grand wind brewing out in the Atlantic though which will hit tomorrow. They haven’t named it yet but then they are somewhat preoccupied with yesterday’s breeze. As the time of scribbling there are still nearly half a million homes and businesses without power after yesterday and tomorrow’s wind isn’t going to help matters.
We lost power here at the Manor at four in the morning yesterday. It came back at around six yesterday evening. We were grand. I had everything in place and the camping stove earned its keep. The oil lamps stood the test as did the candles. We also had a grand fire in the living room.
But that brings me to my point….
We were fine because of the oil lamps, the camping stove and the open fire in the hearth. But they want to phase out kerosene and bottled gas while open fires are distinctly BAD. They want us to rely 100% on electricity and I would love to hear the opinion on that point from the half million who are currently powerless. In the future we are supposed to rely on electricity to heat, light and cook. Don’t forget that transport also is to rely on electricity so once your car battery runs down your lovely new electric vehicle becomes just a jump of useless metal cluttering up your driveway. No electricity therefore means no lighting, no heating, no cooking and no car, and from current news, that can last for over a week before power is restored.
Maybe the hope is that once Nirvana is reached and the “climate crisis” has been sorted that we will have no more storms and no more power cuts? The weather will become calm and sunny every day, except of course for a gentle breeze wherever there is a wind-farm. The sun will shine brightly on our solar panels and we’ll all be grand.
Damn, you weren’t supposed to work that out and certainly not tell everyone else. The net-zero Green zealot police will be round your place sometime soon to get you ‘re-educated’ into their new truth.
Now start behaving yourself, obediently swallow all the propaganda and have faith in man-made climate change – it’s the new state religion and, like all religions, you can only ever have faith because there’s absolutely no truth in it.
They’ll be coming for me next . . . .
The powers that be here in Vermont were yapping about the same thing–that is until they were told the Vermont electrical grid would have to have a massive upgrade costing a whole lot of money before that could ever happen. End of yap.
So far.
I read somewhere recently that a large chunk of wind generators were taken off line despite their producing power. The reason? The grid couldn’t handle the load!
I recommend getting extraordinarily drunk at least once a week.
And smoke the strongest natural stimulant you can lay your hands on.
It solves sod all but for a few blissful hours the world can just fuck off.
Welcome Charger [?]! You sound like my sort of person?
Meanwhile all the big mobile trucks, cranes, staff transport, etc. that is needed to fix the “outage” * is queuing up to get charged at a diesel powered generator that someone remembered was stowed among all the stuff waiting for disposal.
* Why is the restoration of electrical power not called an ” inage”?
Stupid Americanism.
Why is the restoration of electrical power not called an ” inage” For the same reason you can’t wear a pant or cut anything with a scissor?
Hold on here Grandad. I would think that a Kilt would qualify as pant.