
All the eggs — 8 Comments

  1. Damn, you weren’t supposed to work that out and certainly not tell everyone else. The net-zero Green zealot police will be round your place sometime soon to get you ‘re-educated’ into their new truth.
    Now start behaving yourself, obediently swallow all the propaganda and have faith in man-made climate change – it’s the new state religion and, like all religions, you can only ever have faith because there’s absolutely no truth in it.
    They’ll be coming for me next . . . .

  2. The powers that be here in Vermont were yapping about the same thing–that is until they were told the Vermont electrical grid would have to have a massive upgrade costing a whole lot of money before that could ever happen. End of yap.

    So far.

    • I read somewhere recently that a large chunk of wind generators were taken off line despite their producing power. The reason? The grid couldn’t handle the load!

  3. I recommend getting extraordinarily drunk at least once a week.
    And smoke the strongest natural stimulant you can lay your hands on.
    It solves sod all but for a few blissful hours the world can just fuck off.

  4. Meanwhile all the big mobile trucks, cranes, staff transport, etc. that is needed to fix the “outage” * is queuing up to get charged at a diesel powered generator that someone remembered was stowed among all the stuff waiting for disposal.
    * Why is the restoration of electrical power not called an ” inage”?
    Stupid Americanism.

    • Why is the restoration of electrical power not called an ” inage” For the same reason you can’t wear a pant or cut anything with a scissor?

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