
The breathless bastard — 5 Comments

  1. Before you go slamming yourself unnecessarily, how many of those folks would have pointed you in the right
    direction had you not known?
    Besides, a few were bound to get lost anyway and blamed you for it.

    • If I told them at the outset where the machine was, do you think they would insist I gave first go at it as a reward? Nah! I would have ended further back in the wueue. I ain’t slamming myself one bit.

  2. “I can be a right bastard at times.”

    I’m proud of you. A new and improved way of sending tourists to the bogs. Passive instead active even.

    I had the same type of “Breath Test” you had but in my case it was because I was short of breath at the time and my chest hurt for some reason. I was using my inhaler way too much as well. So they (the VA) stuck my in a poly glass booth with piped in air and a do-hickey I had to blow into. After about 40 minutes I was done and I failed gloriously. These days I’m fine as long as I don’t march right off immediately after getting out of bed or out of a chair.

    I told them I was old, so what?

    • They had one of those telephone booth things in the laboratory where I was tested. It looked like a time machine, but they wouldn’t let me have a go.

      • I think they cheated you out of an interesting trip. Who knows where you would have ended up?

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