
Not naking thense — 10 Comments

  1. Tell everybody your an Igor. They will be terribly impressed!
    (Google Terry Pratchett/Igor if you don’t know)

  2. I hope they eventually finish the remodeling job they started. Until then I wonder if there is a text to speech app for your phone?

    I’d suggest tapping messages out in Morse code, but the number people you could converse with would be limited.

    • Limited? Ever since supermarket trolleys have needed money to use, I have used the little dangly bit to tap out S.O.S. while we shop (weekly). A little silly perhaps, but so far no-one has noticed!

  3. Does anyone remember Violet Elizabeth Bott?
    You have got me thinking of how the Welsh language came into existance. Cymraeg.

  4. Have you thought of a throat mic? They bypass the face and it may not be perfect but must be worth a try.

    Won’t help with the food though. Blenders and straws make things pretty boring on that front.

    • The throat devices are really for people who have lost their vocal chords. My voice is okay; it’s how I use it is the problem.

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